A Match Against "Black Knights"

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-Narrator's POV-

When the whistle blew a member from the Black Knights passed the ball to Tsurugi. Tenma sprinted towards Tsurugi, (Y/N) followed close behind. Tenma blocked him from going further but he sent the ball to another player who ran forward (Y/N) blocked him and tried to steal the ball after a few kicks she managed to kick it from his feet and ran with the ball at her feet. But the ball got stolen as she passed it to a boy with light blue hair and black eyes. His skin is tan. And his hair covers his left eye.

"Tch",he said. "Excuse me",She though while rolling her eyes. They moved back and only then did She realise that Tsurugi had the ball he looked back at her and smirked then he shoot the ball towards the Raimon members making them fall to the ground, the only ones left were (Y/N), Tenma and Shindou. "Aw, hell naw", she thought to myself as she saw everyone else on the ground in pain. Her body tensed as she saw Tsurugi with the ball a few meters away from her, behind him was Raimon's goalkeeper he was looking at her. "Oh my God he looks horrible.

Tsurugi kicked the ball with force,
"(Y/N)! WATCH OUT", Otonashi-sensei yelled. She felt a burning sensation in her whole body and it looked like the ball slowed down She cast her eyes on the opponent's goal. The ball a few inches away going in slow motion in front of her. She had a urge to lift her foot so she did, she felt a force on it as the ball hit her foot then she turned her foot with the ball towards the opposite team's goalpost and with a little more force shot it with even more force towards the post as her foot landed on the ground it made a hole right were her foot landed. Her right eye was shining blue and her hair was floating everyone was shocked at how fast her ball was going. The goalkeeper tried to stop it with his hands but the force was so strong that he got pushed with it into the net, but the force was so strong it created a hole in the net and hit a wall which left a hole on it to. The stadium went quite, her eye turned back to it's normal color and her hair fell down undone from the ponytail she had put it in. She clutched her head before falling to her knees, Tsurugi's eyes widened he just stared at the goalkeeper knocked out cold and the whole in the net and on the wall.

The whistle blew showing that first half  just ended and that the second one starts in a few minutes. (Y/N) stumbled her way towards the bench but when she got of the field her feet felt heavy and couldn't carry them so she fell forward but just in a nick of time Otonashi-sensei caught her and helped her to the bench she went in and out of consciousness. Otonashi-sensei handed her a water bottle just as she was about to take it she slumped forward and fell on the ground she could hear everyone shouting her name.

-(Y/N)'s POV-

Everything blackened out as I was about to take the water bottle from Otonashi-sensei. When I opened my eyes a vibrant light shined on my eyes I  rubbed my eyes and sat ut I felt a little dizzy. A woman stood facing me, she has purple hair and blue eyes. She has a light blue nurse uniform, with a nurse hat and white slippers.
She pushes me lightly down, "Please stay down and don't move. You drained a lot of energy relax and go back to sleep", she said. But I sat up, she smiled and gave me a glass of water, I stared at it then I took it and held it with two hands I looked down looking at my reflection. My face looked normal and my eyes looked normal, I took a sip and I felt my energy coming back almost immediately. I put the glass on the stand and stretched, I looked around and noticed I was in a hospital. "How long have I been out?",I asked the kind lady. "About 20 minutes since you came here",She said with a relaxing smile. I heard a knock at the door, the kind nurse opened the door and  a doctor walked in and sat beside me. "What happened?",I asked. "You collapsed under a game due to stress and you used to much energy so you passed out.
If you feel better than you're allowed to go home",he said. "I feel a lot better after i drank some water",I said. "That's good, we'll let you change come down to the reception when you're done. We put you're close on the chair",he said as he stood up and walked out of the room with the nurse.

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