Not Qualified As A Captain?

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Kurumada caught the ball and ran towards the other goal. "Only five minutes left! The final match of Holy Road's national tournament! Who will stand at the top of JHS soccer, the famous Raimon Jr. High or the ever-capable Kidokawa Seishuu?!". Kurumada dogged a player and passed the ball to Shindou. "The ball is still in Raimon's possession. A keystone of the team despite only being a first-year, midfielder Shindou isn't losing the ball to anyone!". Two of Seishuu's players try to steal the ball but Shindou dodges them. "There's Captain!,"Shinsuke said. I walked in stretching my arms and noticed Tenma and Shinsuke watching a match on the big screen. "Look, Shindou's hands have begun to move with grace!". At the screen you can see Shindou waving his hands and a bright yellow light appeared and Raimon's players are kicking the ball and the light seems to be showing the players where to pass. "The ball is being passed within the Raimon Eleven according to Shindou's orders! Like a conductor on the field playing the music game! There goes the superior command of God's Baton!". Shindou's movements captivated me and i couldn't tare my eyes of them. "God's Baton?,"Tenma said questionably.

The ball heads is passed to Shindou who uses his hissatsu technique. "There it is! Shindou's hissatsu shoot, Fortissimo!". The ball shining a beautiful light blue heads towards the goal and goes in. "It goes in! Raimon finally gets a point, making it 2-1! Time is running short! The efforts of both teams are making this a close contest!". "This is so cool! Captain's going all-out!,"Shinsuke says excited. "But they're acting according to Fifth Sector's orders in this game too, aren't they?,"Aoi says. Tenma and Shinsuke looked at Aoi and Tenma looked sadly at the screen. "I watched last year's final closely,"Tenma said. "Both teams looked like they were playing seriously, but...,"Shinsuke trailed of. "Of course they were. It was serious,"A voice snapped me out of my haze and Otonashi-sensei stood beside. "Because it was a serious game, Shindou used both God's Baton and Fortissimo,"She said. "The game is over!". We all turned and looked at the screen. "Despite Raimon's bold attack, the champions of this year's Holy Road is Kidokawa Seishuu with a score of 2-1! A new reigning-". Otonashi-sensei turned off the screen and we turned to her. "We lost, but i think everyone felt accomplished in that match, "Otonashi-sensei said and crossed her legs. "Although Fifth Sector manages the games, there are times when you're allowed to play to the fullest of you're abilities. Although, a case like this one is rare on the grand stage like Holy Road. Even practice matches with other schools, like the one with Eito earlier,  can either have the score predetermined or be the kind where you can play without holding back,"She says. "That's weird. Fifth Sector is definitely weird,"Shinsuke said and looked up at Tenma. "By the way, why were you watching last year's game?,"Otonashi-sensei asked. "Holy Road is coming up. We watched it to see how it was like last year. "Besides, this place has lots of records of previous games!,"Shinsuke said as the door opened and Coach came in.

"Good morning. You're early,"Coach said. "Good morning,"We said and Otonashi-sensei sat up. "Is it just you guys?,"Coach said. "Yes...,"Tenma trailed off. "Which is a shame since everyone came yesterday,"Aoi said. "Not everyone... Captain and some others didn't come,"Tenma said and looked down. "Don't worry they'll all be here soon,"Coach said putting up something on the wall. We all stood beside him and looked at the poster of Holy Road. "Woah...,"I mumbled. "Holy Road...,"Tenma mumbled. "When I was your age, it was called Football Frontier ,"Coach Endou said.

We turned around as we heard the rest of the team vone in greeting us. Tenma and Shinsuke bowed down and said good morning. "This is great, right, Tenma?,"Aoi said and looked at Tenma. "Yeah!,"Tenma nodded. "Good morning!,"Aoi said and greeted them. They greeted her smiling. "You first year's are early,"Kurumada said and walked in. "Hey, morning! You're here,"Coach said and greeted them. "Where's Captain,"Tenma asked. They all looked down quietly. "I see, still not over Coach  Kudou leaving?,"I said and sighed. Endou-san clapped his hands and patted the poster. "Everyone! The Holy Road district preliminaries are coming! Let's start morning practice!,"Coach Endou said.

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