Shinsuke's New Hissatsu Technique? #2

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After (Y/N) ate dinner, she went straight to bed tired. She was to tired to remember the mysterious notebook that lied quietly in place on her desk. In a few minutes she was fast asleep in her bed. The room became silent and a owl sat outside the window peering into the room before flapping it's way of into the unknown.

(Y/N) woke up tired on the Sunday morning. She got up and yawned. She went up to the window and opened it. The morning sun hitting her. She peered outside and saw Tenma leaving. "I'm heading out!",Tenma said to Aki-nee. Aki-nee was sweeping the ground when Tenma headed out. "Hmm? You got morning practice even on Sunday? What about (Y/N)?",Aki-nee stopped what she was doing turning her attention to Tenma. "Nope, I'm training with Shinsuke and (Y/N) is still asleep!",Tenma said. "What?! I'm actually wide awake thank you very much!",(Y/N)  shouted. "Training?",Aki-nee asked. Tenma nodded. "Yeah, the three of us are making a hissatsu technique!",Tenma said and pointed at (Y/N). Aki-nee smiled. "Makes me remember old times",Aki-nee said. (Y/N) titled her head. "Old times?",She questioned. "Oh, it's nothing. Do your best!",Aki-nee said. Tenma nodded and ran out. "Have a good time!",Aki-nee shouted. She turned up and looked at (Y/N). "Aren't you going to, (Y/N)?",She asked. "Uhm, yeah!",(Y/N) replied and closed the windows. Aki-nee chuckled and got back to sweeping.

Hamano and Hayami had meet up to fish like they've always done. "Will things be okay like this?",Hayami asked. "Just leave it to me. The fish pond is just swarming with 'em",Hamano said. "I wasn't talking about fishing, I was talking about the soccer club",Hayami said in a concerned voice. "Oh, that's what you mean. Shouldn't it?",Hamano said. Hayami looked at Hamano in confusion. "I'm thinking it won't be so bad to go along with Tenma",Hamano said. "I'm... not sure about it",Hayami said. "Hayami... what do you think about soccer anyway?",Hamano asked and looked up from the pond. Hayami didn't answer. "What's it to you?",Hamano once again asked him. "Deep down, I want to play freely, of course",Hayami answered. "Right?",Hamano said with a big grin. Hayami looked a little taken aback and turned his gaze towards the pond once again.

(Y/N) ran down the stairs and waved at Tenma and Shinsuke. "(Y/N)!",Shinsuke gasped. "I can explain why I'm late!",She said. "Don't worry about it",Shinsuke said. She nodded and joined them for practice. Tenma put down the ball and signaled Shinsuke. When Shinsuke answered, Tenma kicked the ball up into the sky. Shinsuke ran forward took a big jump yet no sparkles came from his feet. He missed the ball quite a bit. (Y/N) went to grab the ball again. Then Shinsuke tried it again, this time he hit the ball with his head. "Nice one Shinsuke!",(Y/N) said.

Kirino had come to visit Shindou, they talked while Shindou played the piano. "It's great that the team's coming together",Kirino said. "Yeah. They all want to win for real",Shindou said with a smile."Yeah, I can't wait for the next time I can join practice",Kirino said also smiling. "Don't rush it. You've still got another two ot three days",Shindou replied. "But when I see Shinsuke trying so hard, I know I can't fall behind",Kirino said. Shindou smiled. "That's true",He said. Shindou got up from his chair. "We better make sure his efforts help us towards victory",Shindou said. "I'm counting on you, Captain!",Kirino said. "Yeah",Shindou gave his short reply.

Shinsuke jumped high sparks coming from his feet. He hit the ball with his head and landed on the ground. "Yes! I did it!",Shinsuke said. Tenma and (Y/N) smiled at Shinsuke. His efforts were paying off big time. Shinsuke wanted to try it again so they all got into position as (Y/N) got the ball. Tenma kicked the ball high up in the air, unfortunately this time there were no sparks, but he hit the ball at a perfect timing and landed safely on the ground. "I did it!",Shinsuke said. "You did it, Shinsuke!",Tenma said and ran over to him. (Y/N) went to get the ball as they excitedly talked.

The ball stopped at someone's feet, Tenma and Shinsuke looked at the person. Sangoku picked up the ball and held it. He was joined by Amagi and Kurumada. "You can't call that ready yet",Sangoku said. "How come it's not ready yet?",Shinsuke asked. "I thought jumping and timing were the best we could get",Tenma said. "Is something wrong with it?",Shinsuke asked. "In a real match, it's more of a free-for-all in front of the goal",Amagi explained. "Unless you can use it with other players around, you can't call it ready",Kurumada jumped in with a serious face. "I see",Tenma said. "We'll help you guys out. Since we're all third-years, this'll be our last Holy Road tournament",Sangoku said. "We really want to win it, with our own strength!",
Kurumada said. "Yeah, I realized during the match with Mannouzaka. Playing soccer the way you like it is loads of fun!",Amagi said. "Then we are all on the same page!",(Y/N) said grinning. "And if Shinsuke completes this hissatsu technique, it'll make the team stronger",Kurumada said. "Let's complete it together",Sangoku said. "Hissatsu technique... I wonder how it would be like to have one...",(Y/N) fought to herself.

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