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Felix' P.O.V.

We had just finished up a dance rehearsal, as we were preparing for a music show. Minho was in the corner of the practice room, sitting against the wall with a sleepy Jisung on his lap. Chan was chasing after a giggling and panting Jeongin, trying to tickle him. Seungmin had left a while ago, so Hyunjin was currently flirting with Changbin. I sat there staring at them from the couch, getting more jealous by the second.

Chan noticed my mood change, so he decided to announce that we were leaving for the dorms. Minho shook Jisung awake gently, and started half carrying him out of the studio. Chan and Jeongin left together, still playing around. I have no idea how they could have so much energy left after a grueling practice. Hyunjin, as always, was being very snuggly and had wrapped his arm around Changbin as they left, leaving me to walk by myself in the back.

I was getting sadder, watching Hyunjin whisper in Changbin's ear, making him laugh. We got into the car and I was stuck in the very back, squished into the wall by a sleeping Jisung. I found myself really missing Woojin in this moment, because he was always the one to notice when I was upset, and try to make Changbin get the hint.

Changbin can be so oblivious sometimes. He was in between Hyunjin and Jeongin who were both resting on his shoulders. Chan was in the passenger seat and he turned around and we communicated silently when our gazes met. He looked at me sadly and I knew that he understood me exactly.

Out of everyone, I think Woojin's departure affected Channie the most. They were extremely close, obviously, and had always been like parents to all of us. Jeongin was affected almost as much, as Woojin and him had a very close brotherly bond. When Woojin left, Jeongin and Chan became inseparable. They needed each other for survival.

They were close before, but not like now. I think what was the worst thing for Channie was the fact that we don't know why Woojin left, only that he was healthy and safe.

Everyone in the group adores our maknae, but Chan adores him the most. It seems like the way he felt about Jeongin had changed a lot in the past year, which had made Woojin jealous, of course.

Seungmin and Hyunjin have always been close, and even if Hyunjin flirts with everyone and is really touchy, Seungmin understands and communicates very well about his boundaries. The relationship they have is very special. Hyunjin's whole demeanor changes around Seungminnie.

As for Jisung and Minho, well, they are just two horny boys, whose contrasting personalities fit together inexplicably well. All jokes aside, they have been close since pre debut, but their bond had never been just platonic. They were so good for each other that it was unreal.

With Changbin, for me, my attraction toward him was instant. From the very first time I saw him, I haven't even thought of anyone else, which is why it hurts so much to see him with Hyunjin. Because of the dating ban, and the beliefs of most Koreans, no idols came out, especially about their relationships with their fellow members, which their were plenty of in Kpop.

I mean, for a bunch of homophobic people, Kpop groups are very odd. Boy groups especially. I mean, think about it. They take a group of attractive, musically talented, usually pubescent, somewhat feminine, makeup wearing, young boys and they spend every second together. I would be shocked if their wasn't a lot of homosexual activity going on behind the scenes.

Being from Australia, I am not embarrassed or ashamed of my sexuality. I, of course, am not "out" or anything, because for the sake of my group, I wouldn't do that. If I wasn't an idol, I would probably be in a happy relationship with a boy or girl in Australia, but I am an idol, and it is what it is.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by our arrival to the dorms. We all filed out of the car and shuffled sleepily to our dorm. I walked into Changbin and I's shared room, throwing myself on the bed with a sigh of relief. My muscles were sore, but I was used to it. I heard giggling from the room next to me, and immediately knew that it was from I.N. and Chan. They are relentless in their teasing.

I heard a commotion from living room and I assumed Seungminnie had just returned home, based on the squeals from Hyunjin. I saw Lee Know walk past my open door, on his way to his, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Chan's room, quietly humming to the music from his earbuds. I was getting anxious for Binnie to come into our room, because the tension has been almost unbearable lately.

I heard the shower turn on, and then I heard Han getting yelled at to pick up his dirty laundry by I.N. That left the the person in the shower to be Changbin, so I decided to try to get comfortable before he walks in. I changed into my pajamas, that was really just boxers and a shirt of Changbinnie's. I laid on my top bunk, hugging my body pillow tightly and urging myself not to cry.

I didn't know how much longer I could take all the mixed signals from Bin. One second he is all sweet and caring to me, and then he is joking about kissing the other members. I'm not really sure what to believe is him being genuine.

I heard the shower shut off and after a little the bathroom door creaked open. Beside the sound of bare feet on the floor, all that could be heard was Hyunjin talking in his sleep, as the others had left their door open. As the steps got louder I felt my body get more tense. I flipped over, so that I was facing away from the wall and pretended to be asleep.

Changbin entered the room and quietly shut the door behind him. I was still focusing very hard on not breaking my cover. I heard no sounds, and I had no idea what Binnie was doing, until he spoke up. "Lixie." He said quietly, "I know you're not asleep. When you sleep your breathing changes, and I know when you're faking it."

I opened my eyes hoping to glare at him once I saw him, but I got a little distracted by his lack of a shirt. It's not like I never see him shirtless, but he looked so good standing there in just his boxers. Fresh out of the shower, a towel hanging around his neck and water dripping down his muscular torso. His hair was tousled from him drying it, but there were still water droplets dripping from the black strands.

"Lix." He said, rolling his eyes with a smirk on his lips. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but satisfaction. We looked at each other for a long time before I responded.

"Yes?" I asked him, pretending to not know why he had said my name. He smiled at me sweetly, and then climbed into his bed. I laid quietly, staring at the ceiling, trying to get his muscles out of my head.

"No hug tonight?" He asked me in a baby voice, making me grin as he brought up our nightly ritual. I always hugged him before I climbed up to my bed.

"You were too late, sorry. Felix is not open for business." I said, teasing him. "And turn out the light! You were the last one in bed." I whisper yelled, feigning anger. He chuckled and climbed out of bed.

He walked over to turn out the light, giving me a perfect opportunity to check out his crazy muscular back. He flicked the light switch, causing the room to be swallowed in shadows. I started to get curious when I didn't hear him climb into the bottom bunk. I tried to look around for him, but it was too dark.

"We'll see about that 'closed for business' thing." I heard him say, and then I felt two small, but firm hands on my arms. I jumped a little as I felt him climb into my bunk. I stiffened and he definitely noticed it, since I am not usually like this. "What's wrong Lixie?" He asked me, teasingly whispering in my ear, his lips close enough that I felt then brush against my skin.

I turned my head, but then his hand gently gripped my jaw and turned my head to face him. My eyes had somewhat adjusted to the dark and I could make out the outline of his handsome face. He looked into my eyes, daringly moving to straddle my thighs. I tried not to be dirty minded, as he was almost naked, since he probably was just being brotherly, but I definitely failed.

He leaned over me and slid his hands under my back slowly, sending shivers, that I tried to suppress, through my petite body. He then lifted me up, so I was sitting upright and he was facing towards me, straddling my lap. I felt my cheeks heat up as he wrapped his arms around me, making me feel safe and secure in his embrace.

After a full minute he climbed off of me and got back in his bed, and said, "Goodnight Bokkie." He said to me, waking me melt. I only liked it when he called me my Korean name, with anyone else I hated it. I thought about how easily I forgave him again and mentally face palmed.

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