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Felix' P.O.V

The four of us sat in the living room, joking and talking. Messing around and having a good time. Everyone was stealing glances at the person they wanted to be with, but no one moved to change seats.

The mood was nice for a while, relaxed even. We finished the movie and I went to my room to get my Switch, bringing it out to the living room to play. I gave a remote to Jeongin, starting a game of Mario Kart.

I beat him easily, making him pout. I pinched his cheek. He tried to bite me, so I pulled my hand away quickly. We passed around the remotes all taking turns playing. Minho and Jisung finally came out into the living room, Jisung walking with a noticable limp.

Minho had a smirk on his face and Jisung was wearing a hoodie, probably to cover up his hickeys. I rolled my eyes at their lack of self control. I can't even count how many times they sneak off every week. At least once a day.

I tried to clear my head of the nasty thoughts as the other two boys joined us, sitting down on the couch with no space between them. I rolled my eyes at them. I beat a couple more people in a couple more games before I got a message from Seungkwan, telling me that he was in the area and had some free time.

We made plans to meet up at the same cafe as before and I went to my room to put on some clothes, after telling the guys what I was doing. I threw on some random things, in a hurry to get out of here. Everyone was happy and had someone to be with, and it was hard to sit around and watch that.

I walked out of my room and said goodbye to the boys before opening the door and leaving. I got in the elevator, pushed the lobby button and rode it down. I exited the elevator when it reached the main level, and walked out of the dorms, making my way to the coffee shop. I saw Seungkwan in the same booth we had occupied last time, but he was alone this time.

I walked in the door, and then to the booth. I greeted Seungkwan and he said hi back. The waitress came over and I ordered a sandwich and a cappuccino. She left and Seungkwan got right to the point.

"How is your lover boy?" He asked, folding his hands, and waiting patiently. I smiled at him, blushing slightly.

"I'm not really sure." I said, and he gave me a beautiful smile. "He moved out of our room, because we have been fighting so much. When we're with each other we're either jealous, angry, horny or more than one of those." I said, opening up to him easily, despite having met him less than a week ago.

"Ah...I see." He said, smiling as if reminiscing about a fond memory. "Vernon and I went through that faze. It ended after Vernon got so tired of it that he walked over to me and ripped my clothes of, not that I'm complaining." Seungkwan said, winking at me, making me blush.

He chuckled, and his laugh was musical. Seungkwan was very famous in the kpop community for a few things;his relationship with Vernon, his chubby cheeks, his incredible vocal ability, and his hilarious personality. He was the king of variety shows.

"Lucky for you, you and Changbin have progressed faster than me and Vernon. We had suffered through the 'friends that flirt' stage for almost 6 years." He said, making dramatic facial expressions and motions with his body. "We began training when we were around 14 and we didn't officially start dating until Vernon's 20th birthday."

"Of course we had shared a few confused kisses, but we weren't able to admit our feelings for a long time." He said, looking like he regretted it. "You started training in 2017, right?" He asked me and continued after I replied with a nod. "Well you guys are doing well, it's only been 3 years, which seems like a long time, but trust me, it will feel like nothing when you look back at it."

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