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Felix' P.O.V

Chan and I had woken up early to make breakfast for the other members. We had just started and Chan walked over, wrapping his arms around me and standing behind me to  help me mix the batter for the pancakes. He rested his head on my shoulder, rubbing his face against my neck, his slight stubble tickling me, causing me to giggle.

I heard footsteps approaching and then a messy haired Changbin walked in from the living room where he had been working out. He saw me and Chan, his face immediately twisting into a frown. He studied us for a second, before turning and leaving angrily, letting out a huff of annoyance.

Chan let go of me and I turned to look at him. He gave me a knowing smile, just shaking his head at Binne's behavior. I heard a door get thrown open, banging against the wall, making me roll my eyes. I poured a scoop of batter into the pan, waiting to flip it. Apparently I waited too long, because by the time I flipped it, it was completely burnt.

"Oops." I said, making Chan face palm, shaking his head at my nonexistent cooking skills. He walked over to me and took the spatula from me, lightly shoving me with his elbow. I shrugged, and hopped up onto the counter, the marble cold against my bare thighs.

I watched Chris cook, admiring his bare back flex and relax as he moved, cooking breakfast for the group. I heard a door creak open and heard footsteps approaching. I saw Han peek around the corner, looking from Chan and then to me, looking amused but also confused.

As his head retreated, I was wondering why he looked at us weirdly, but I realized that it was because I was only wearing Chan's shirt and boxers and Chan was only wearing a pair of joggers. Chan didn't even sleep in my room last night, this is just how we usually slept.

I heard more footsteps as the members gradually woke up. Everyone had slept in, because we had training this afternoon and they wanted to have energy for it. Chan finished the food and I set it on the table, getting dishes and syrup and things for breakfast.

Chan went to go wake the rest of the boys up, and I heard him from the living room. "I made food, so you don't have to eat each other." I looked into the living room, having a guess as to who he was talking to. I knew that my guess was correct as I saw Jisung laying on the couch with Minho on top of him, giving him a hickey.

Those two were way too comfortable with making out in front of everyone. It was mildly problematic, as they have had more than a few instances when they forgot how to act and almost kissed on camera and during or VLives. I guess that's what happens when two confident gays are in a relationship together.

I sat at the table, using my feet to save the chair beside me for Chan. The other boys walked out, and Chan returned, now wearing a shirt. The last person to enter was Changbin, and he came out of the bathroom, fresh out of the shower and only wearing shorts. My eyes widened when they landed on him, and I gave him a once over, using all my self control to tear my eyes away from him.

I looked to Chan and he smirked at me, giving me a knowing smile. I blushed and looked up to see Changbin glaring at Chris, probably thinking that I was blushing because of Chris. I looked down at my food and started to eat. We all ate, enjoying the food and chatting casually with one another.


We were all currently laying on the ground, all exhausted from our 3 hour long dance session. Changbin once again seemed to have misplaced his shirt, causing me to sit up, trying to hide the noticable bulge in my sweatpants. I rolled my eyes at Changbin, knowing that he was aware of the affect he had on me. Jeongin walked over and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

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