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Felix' P.O.V

We arrived at the restaurant and the back room had been reserved for us. We walked through the restaurant, led by a waiter, and arrived at the huge table. We all sat around and started eating. It was an overall peaceful meal, as we were all too focused on stuffing our faces to worry about drama and jealousy.

I pulled out my phone and posted a selfie that I had taken with Chan on the bus. I captioned it with "Isn't Channie the cutest?". Almost immediately comments flooded in. Most of them saying something about Chanlix, freaking out about my shirt or agreeing with my caption.

One caught my eye that said, "Oh, I see how it is. No Changlix selfies, like always." I smiled at how some STAYs knew exactly what was going on. Their observational skills were so on point all the time.


After we ate we all just headed back to the dorms, tired from the fansign, and needing to get rest for the busy week ahead. We were coming back soon, which meant promotions, radio shows, performances and more. Our lives were almost always nonstop, but it got even more intense near a comeback.

Jisung's P.O.V

I was currently in my bed, with a sleeping Minho wrapped around me securely. Moments like these were when I was the happiest. I felt safe, loved and needed. I watched him sleep, enjoying how peaceful and young he looked.

I admired his statuesque features, thinking about when I first saw him. He completely took my breath away. I had never seen a more attractive human, and he seemed other worldly at first. When I started to get to know him, I was hooked on him and had been ever since.

Even though Minho is obviously the dominant one in our relationship, he was more sensitive and needy than people think. He always shows a tough exterior, but he is the biggest softie. I loved seeing him with cats and other animals, because he was such a caretaker. I couldn't wait to have a family with him.

I am lucky enough to get to take care of him sometimes. He has bad nightmares, and that's why he was in my bed. He had woken up screaming in terror, and Chan had carried him in to me, making Binnie go sleep in Minho's bed. Minho calmed down after about 30 minutes of me rocking back and forth with him, trying to lull him back to sleep. It worked, but I stayed up to make sure the nightmare didn't continue.

Minho was always there for me, protecting me, so it was nice to be able to return the gesture. I hated seeing him so scared, but I knew that I was able to help, and that made me smile. I pressed my lips to his pale forehead that was coated with sweat from him being so afraid.

I let myself relax, trying to fall back to sleep, which was a lot easier with Minho's body surrounding me tightly. He made me feel safe, and I think he felt the same. Without Minho, I wouldn't be who I am today, and I think I would be a terrible person.

Meeting him was humbling for me, because I thought I was so incredibly talented and handsome, but Minho really put my skills into perspective with how impressive he was. He was so hardworking, and he always took time to help others, too.

I felt myself get drowsy, so I snuggled closer to Min's body, trying to get cozier.


I woke up to the feeling of soft kisses being placed repeatedly on my face. I giggled and tried to roll away, but the person leaving the kisses stopped me, holding my waist in place securely. I lifted my hands to hide my face, feeling embarrassed at all the affection I was receiving.

"Don't hide, I want to see your beautiful face. I think I must be the luckiest person in the world to get to wake up to such a beautiful sight." Minho said, moving my hands away and stroking my hair, continuing with his attack of soft kisses.

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