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Changbin's P.O.V

"Boys!" I heard Mrs.Lee call out from the kitchen. "Dinner is ready!" Felix woke up then, the idea of food being more important than his nap. Laughing at his cute bedhead, I got up and then helped him up as well.

Together we made our way to the dining room, Felix pulling me in the right direction. When we arrived I let out an audible gasp at the magnificent spread of food on the huge table. "Mom you didn't have to do all this!" Felix said, looking around in wonder and holding my hand tightly.

"Of course I did!" Mrs.Lee said with a grin, gesturing for the two of us to sit down in the two open seats. "My only son finally brought his boyfriend home to meet the family." She said in a sing song voice, looking very pleased.

Felix blushed and pulled me into the seat next to him. I was seated on one side of the table with Felix's brother-in-law, Adriel across from me, and Olivia at the end of the table by me. Felix didn't let go of my hand until after his mom prayed, and then we all began to dig in to the food.

"Adriel was actually the first one of us to hear about you guys getting exposed, because he was watching that particular live." Rachel told us, making my eyes widen. "Yeah, he then immediately called all of us and I called you." She said, laughing softly with an affectionate look to her little brother.

"I still can't believe all of your groupmates got exposed at the same time. Though, I am a little mad that I had to find out like that." She mused, looking like she was remembering when it happened. "And the worst part is that it took Rachel having a baby for you to come home." She said, feigning anger.

"It's only cause Australia is so far away. If you lived close we could've visited you like we did with Binnie's family. They even found out about us before the exposure." Felix said, before he realized his mistake and clamped his tiny hand over his mouth.

"What!" Mrs.Lee said, her voice raising a little bit. Olivia and I exchanged a worried look and then turned back to watch the drama unfold in front of our eyes. "You really went to visit his family, but couldn't even spare us a phone call?" She said, looking genuinely upset this time.

"Mom, we couldn't have known that all of that would've gone down." Felix assured her, holding her hand in mine gently. "Plus, we had planned to wait and tell you in person when we got time off, but that didn't work out, did it?" Felix said, a pretty smile on his mouth.

"Well...I guess it's alright." Mrs.Lee said, stroking Lixie's hand reassuringly. "Especially since I've known that you liked Changbin since before you debuted." She said, causing Felix to whine and hit her hand playfully, burying his now red face into his hands.

"My poor obvious baby." I whispered into his bright red ear, rubbing his back to comfort him. He whined again and then moved to bury his face in my chest. We stayed like that for a while, Felix hiding against me while I continued to talk with his family.

After everyone had finished eating, we all moved into the living room where baby Seraphina had been sleeping all this time. We had only gone from the dining room when we heard her cries, otherwise we could have talked there all night.

"Ellie! Can I feed her?" Felix asked his sister with excitement in his eyes. He used the nickname he called her when he was little, which I found adorable. Rachel gave him a nod and he clapped his hands in delight as she dug around in the diaper bag.

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