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Felix' P.O.V

After dinner that night I had sent a text to Seungkwan to tell him the good news. He responded and asked if I wanted to bring Binnie and meet him and Vernon in the cafe I met him at twice before. I told him that I would love that before telling Bin about the plan.

"That sounds fun, Lixeu. Now come cuddle with me, I'm cold." He pouted, opening his arms that I gladly climbed into. He let out a sigh as he wrapped his big arms around me and held me close, making me smile so wide that it hurt. I cuddle into his chest inhaling his scent and feeling so elated that it was the real thing and not just stolen clothes or blankets.

"Goodnight, my Bokkie." He said before placing a lingering kiss on my temple. I giggled and moved to kiss his cheek, glad that he was mine, and I could kiss him whenever I wanted. Whenever I was snuggled up next to Binnie, sleep seemed to take over me so much quicker, and that night was no different.


"Binniiiee!" I whisper into the short boy's ear, trying to wake him up. After a few more attempts to get him up I got a good idea. I kneeled on his bed and leaned over his sleeping figure, not forgetting to admire how adorable he looked when he was asleep.

I slotted my lips onto his slightly open ones and knew that he was awake when he started to kiss back. His hand moved to the back of my neck and he pulled me down on top of him. I let out a small gasp against his mouth when he used his other arm to move my legs to straddle him.

"I really hope this is isn't just a dream." Binnie murmured against my lips and I giggled and pulled away. He stared up at me with a pout.

"Do you have these kinds of dreams about me often? I asked teasingly, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"If I do have these dreams, they always involve you." He said, grabbing my waist and making me shiver. "Yours aren't always about me, though." He said, suddenly looking hurt.

"Binnie Hyung, that dream you walked in on me having was 1000% about you. Maybe I can show you what we were doing in the dream a different time, but for now we need to get up and ready to meet Seungkwan hyung and Vernon hyung." I then pushed off of him and rolled off the bed.

He let out a groan and grabbed my hand, trying to pull me back in the bed. He succeeded after barely trying, since he was way stronger than me. "Binnie!" I said, trying to sound stern, despite my giggles. "If you don't let me go and get ready I won't give you anymore kisses today!"

That made him pick me up and climb out of bed, setting me down by the closet. "Can I have one kiss before I get dressed?" He asked in an aegyo tone. I giggled at him and agreed.

He slipped his arms around my waist and leaned up a little to connect our lips. I was expecting just a quick peck, since we were in a hurry, but boy was I wrong. Changbin's hand held the back of my neck, keeping me in place as he kissed me deeply.

I groaned into his mouth when he walked forward, pushing me up against the wall. Once I was out of breath I pushed him off and glared at him. "That was way more than one kiss!"

"Sorry, I was just making sure I would be able to get through our meeting without being all over you, so I decided to get it all out now." He shrugged, and I pushed him toward his dresser. He laughed and stripped his clothes off, smirking because he knew I was admiring his build.

After I snapped out of it, I turned to my clothes with flushed cheeks and started to get dressed. I picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a Twice t-shirt. An idea popped into my head and I snuck up behind Binnie. He had thrown on a pair of black jeans and a fitted black and white striped sweater.

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