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Felix' P.O.V

Jisung and I stayed in our silent embrace until Hyunjin walked out, pulling a sleepy looking Seungmin after him. I let go of Ji and pulled my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it using my password, "HanRiver".

I saw that I had a message from Seungkwan and clicked on it. It was asking if anything had improved with my love life. I texted him back a short summary of what had gone on in the last couple of days. My phone dinged again and I was about to pull it out when Hyunjin asked me something.

"Who are you messaging? All of the people you talk to are in this hallway." I held my hand over my chest, pretending to be offended.

"I could've been texting my family." I answered. "But for your information, I was texting the Boo Seungkwan." I said, looking at the text, a small smile creeping onto my face.

"Vernon and I went through a faze like that. It ended when I admitted my feelings and then we hooked up, a lot. But my point is, that it does end, so keep your hopes up. If he loves even half as much as I can tell you love him, then I know he will snap soon."

I replied with a thank you and gushed about how perfect him and Vernon were together. I smiled thinking about how adorable the couple was when I met them. Hyunjin's hand waved in front of my face, snapping me out of my fanboying daze.

"We have to go, stop flirting with hot kpop idols and come with us to the car." He said making me roll my eyes, but still follow him and the others into the elevator.

"I wasn't flirting, for your information." I said to Hyunjin, who definitely didn't believe. "I was actually just getting some advice from him about boys." I assured him making Hyunjin look at me suspectingly.

"Whatever, don't believe me." I said, raising my hands in surrender. "But don't ask me to introduce you two in the future." I said, crossing my arms, pretending to be mad. Chan and I made eye contact, he rolled his eyes at me, giving me a smile and a wink.

I giggled, causing Changbin to send me a glare. Binnie then wrapped his arm around Hyunjin's waist, making him gasp. Seungmin, who was standing next to me, across from Changbin, sent Bin a death glare, making Bin drop his hand to his side. I let out a snort, making everyone, but Seungmin and Changbin look at me like I was insane.

I just shook my head and pulled my phone out again and went onto Instagram. I mindlessly scrolled post after post, not even paying attention. I looked up from my phone to walk out to the sidewalk and into our van.

I climbed into the bus and all the way to the back. The rest of the boys filed in after me, Changbin going next to Hyunjin and Chan coming to sit next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder, trying to pretend that he was Changbin. My illusion wasn't working that well, because he didn't smell like Changbin at all. He smelled like Chan, and so did I, because I was wearing his clothes.

I felt myself drifting off to sleep, and felt someone buckle my seatbelt. I mumbled something about Fortnite and snuggled into Chris' chest. I felt the bus start to move but still slept on.


"Felix. Get up!" I heard someone say, knowing that it wasn't Chris, because they said it in Korean. My eyes fluttered open to see an annoyed Changbin. I could tell he wasn't in a good mood, because he had called me Felix, and when it was just the two of us he only ever called me by my full English name when he was mad at me.

I stood up, realizing that we were alone in here. Changbin glanced at me, giving me a once over. His eyes landed on the words one my sweatshirt, at glared at it, his face turning stony. He turned away from me and stomped out of the bus, shouting out to me from outside.

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