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Felix' P.O.V

Sitting on the floor in Changbin's arms as we both sobbed, I felt somewhat angry that he had hit Chris, but I was mostly relieved that our plan was finally over and revealed. I just hoped that some good came of it and Changbin and I could be together.

"You're mine, and only mine. You will always be mine and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it!" Changbin said with finality, his face buried in my neck and his hands clinging to the back of my worn t-shirt. Then he pulled me closer and into his lap, holding me tightly like someone would try to snatch me at any moment.

A satisfied smile took over my face at his actions and I couldn't help but love how possessive of me he got. He pulled away from me for a second and studied my face, like it might dissapear if he looked away. After staring at me for a bit, he pulled me back into him, his head falling on my shoulder, where it fit perfectly.

"Lee Felix Yongbok," he began and I smiled at the name that I would frown at if called it by anyone else. "I love you and I have loved you since I met you. I have never had so much as a drop of feelings for anyone else and I'm sorry I was dense and oblivious to your feelings and jealousy." He took a breath, but then continued.

"I'm sorry that I punched Chan hyung, but seeing him like that with you and the fact that someone who wasn't me kissed your perfectly adorable and freckly cheek made me more jealous and mad than anything else ever has." When he spoke I could hear the genuinity of his words and I felt his fists tighten in my shirt even more. "I want you to be mine and I want to have the right to be jealous, but I also want to not have to be jealous, because I want to be your boyfriend, Bokkie. So what do you say?"

He pulled away to examine my face again after he spoke, wanting to see my reaction to his question. My mind was overwhelmed and I didn't answer him for a while which made him tense noticably. A huge smile blossomed on my lips and He seemed to relax a little at that, taking it as a good sign, and rightly so.

"Changbinnie hyung!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around his muscular shoulders. I gave him a big squeeze which in turn made him chuckle and place a soft kiss on my jaw. "Of course I will be your boyfriend. I have only been waiting for you to ask me for like 3 years, you dummy."

He let out a sigh of relief and completely relaxed against me, nuzzling into the crook of my neck and releasing his grip on my shirt to wrap his strong arms around my waist. I giggled softly and I could feel his smile form against my neck, making me shiver.

"Binnie?" I asked and then continued to talk when he said, "hmm?".

"Please don't ever hit Chan again. I am surprised Jeonginnie didn't kill you this time. You know that we only see each other as brothers and I'm sorry that I had to do that plan for you to finally admit your feelings." I said, acting sassy at the last few words and making Bin laugh.

"I won't hit him. You know that he is basically my best friend, and I love him. I feel so bad for hitting him that I don't know how I'm gonna face him. It will probably involve a lot of crying and hugging on both parts." He spoke and I giggled, knowing that's most likely what would go on.

"Lix, you know now that I love you, right? 'Cause I don't think I can go around punching anyone who touches you, not that I wouldn't if you wanted me to." I smiled widely at his words and snuggled closer to him, placing a kiss on his neck.

"I know that you love me, but sometimes my brain won't let me believe it." I explained, and he let out a loud sigh.

Then he surprised me by grabbing my thighs and standing up with me clinging to his front. I squealed in surprise and he laughed at my high pitched noise. Binnie walked over the long couch in the practice studio and laid me down, which I surprisingly let him do without pulling him with me.

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