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Felix' P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of someone crying and opened my eyes. It was still dark, so I grabbed my phone to check the time 3:38 a.m. I climbed down from my bed, trying to stay quiet. My feet softly met the floor and I leaned down to glance at Binnie. His handsome face was soaked with tears, but his eyes were closed. I became aware that he was having a bad dream and reached my hand out to set it gently on his shoulder.

I shook him softly, trying to make the upset boy come back to reality. He mumbled, and thrashed around furiously, mumbling the word "no" over and over. I kneeled over him in his bed and grabbed his broad shoulders, pulling him up into my chest.

I heard him gasp and then he enveloped me in a crushing embrace. I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down, whispering that it was only a dream in his ear. He continued to cry, and then started to hiccup, his body slightly jolting with each one.

"Bokkie?" He whispered.

"Yes, it's me. I've got you." I replied sweetly, still caressing his back.

He started to sob harder, burying his face in my neck, wetting it with his tears. "I thought I lost you." He said, hiccuping in the middle. "You were gone, Lix. They hurt you. They took you from me." He rambled, hiccuping every couple words.

"Binnie, don't worry." I whispered in his ear. "I'm here, okay? And I know that as long as you're with me I'm safe, right Bin?"

I felt him nod against my shoulder, and he relaxed a little. "It seemed so real." He said out loud, not to anyone in particular, just stating it.

"I know Bin, but I'm fine, I'm here, and I'm not gonna leave you as long as you want me here."

"Of course I want you, Yongbok." He stated as if it was obvious. "I've always wanted you and I won't stop, I promise." He said. His sobbing had ceased, but his hiccups were still there.

"Lay down, Bin." I said, pushing him against the pillow and laying down so that we were both on our sides, face to face. "There you go. Now let's try to sleep, we have to work tomorrow and it's the middle of the night."

"It seemed so real Lixeu." He said, looking like he might start to cry again. I reached up and put my hand in his hair, rubbing his head gently.

"It's not real, okay?" I assured his and he nodded again. "Close your eyes Bin." I instructed and, surprisingly, he listened.

I watched as he once again entered dreamland. I stayed up for at least an hour, with the excuse of making sure he didn't have another bad dream, but I really just wanted to watch the older boy look so peaceful. I felt myself drift off as well, entering a dreamless slumber, next to the boy I loved.


"Get up!" Someone shouted at me, causing me to shoot up into a sitting position, and hit my head on the bunk above me, forgetting about the events of last night. I groaned in pain and Binnie, who had been woken up by the loud konking noise, reached up and grabbed my head, gently encircling it and cradling it carefully.

He rubbed my head, making sure no damage had occurred and then released me. I blushed at his affectionate gesture and then realized that I.N was still in the room. "Nice shirt." The maknae said, giving me a wink before skipping out of my room and into the hallway.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Binnie, who seemed to already be in a foul mood. "What?" I asked him, trying to figure out why he was already upset.

He glanced at the shirt I was wearing and then back up to my face. I got why he was upset and face palmed, realizing I had slept in one boys bed while wearing the clothes of another. What a hoe I had turned into.

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