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A/N:2.28k reads? That's crazy. Thank you all so much, especially to the people who vote😁

Changbin's P.O.V

Ever since I had asked Yongbokkie to be my boyfriend I had been secretly planning our first date. I wanted it to be super special, because my baby Lixeu deserved the world. I made reservations at the restaurant he had been talking about wanting to go to for months. I had a few more secrets up my sleeve and I couldn't wait to see his reaction.

We had been dating for around a month now, but because of schedules and our comeback we had been to busy to go on a proper date. Of course we had gone on Soul Cup trips just the two of us, but that hardly counted as a date. It was usually just spur of the moment trip to get food, never planned, neither of them asking the other on a real date for a lack of time.

Being back in my old room felt like heaven, especially now that Lix and I were official. I got to fall asleep every night with an angel in my arms, keeping me warm and cozy. He was so precious and I couldn't help but feel that I didn't deserve him.

"Oh Hyunjin!" I heard Seungmin through the wall. I gagged thinking about what was going on in their. Felix turned and giggled at me, amused by my reaction.

"Why does everyone in this have to be so horny!?" I groaned, facepalming. Felix got up from his spot on his top bunk and walked over to me, plopping himself down on my lap facing me.

"And you're not horny?" He asked, grinding down on my lap teasingly, making me bite my lip and grab his hips. He chuckled and his deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Bokkie..." I sighed in frustration and he knew exactly what I meant. My hands glided up and down his sides, causing my shirt that he was wearing to ride up and reveal his cartoon koala boxers. The mood was ruined as I started to laugh at his attire, making him pout.

"You're mean. Don't make fun of me!" He pouted, crossing his arms. I smiled at his cuteness and grabbed his jaw and felt his smooth skin against my hand. My hand pulled his face toward mine, connected his pouting mouth with my smiling one.

Our kiss was short and sweet, and I pulled away when we were both smiling into the peck. I rubbed our noses too in an eskimo kiss and he laughed. He nuzzled into my neck, his hair tickling me. After a second I wrapped my arms securely around Lixie's thin waist and I heard his breathing change, letting me know he had fallen asleep.


"Bokkie." I said, placing a short kiss on his exposed shoulder to wake him up. He was fast asleep in my bed, since I had set him there after he fell asleep on my lap. Felix stirred and muttered something in English, making me smile.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you!" I said and he finally opened his eyes. His behavior made me laugh loudly and he looked at me questioning my weird reaction.

"What's the surprise, or did you just trick me to wake me up?" He said in a groggy sleep voice, pouting at the end and rubbing his eyes cutely. I cooed and shook my head, placing chaste kisses all over his face making him giggle.

"Get up, angel. You have to dress up nice for this surprise, even if I do love how you look in only my shirt." I said with a wink and he blushed, shoving me off the bed.


"Can I take off my blindfold yet? I'm not really into this 50 Shades of Grey shit." Felix said, making me chuckle and pat his head.

"Not yet, Bokkie. Just a couple more minutes. I promise the surprise will be worth it though." I said, reaching one of my hands out to hold his tiny hand. My other hand made it's way to the pocket of my suit jacket, making sure one of the many surprises was still there.

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