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Felix's P.O.V

1 Year Later

After spending a whole exhausting day in a practice room learning choreography, all I wanted to do was shower and cuddle with Binnie. As soon as we all got back to the dorm I did just that. Seungmin and Jeongin had stayed behind at the company to do some vocal lessons, but the rest of us had the rest of the evening off.

Changbin must have been just as exhausted as me, because as soon as we got out of the shower, we walked to our room and passed out, not even bothering to put clothes on. When my head hit the pillow and Bin pulled the covers over us, I was out cold, and so was he. We must have stayed like that for a while, because the next thing I remembered was being woken up by a frantic quokka.

"Felix! I need to talk to you!" He said, shaking me slightly. His urgency and panicked tone made me shoot up out of my bed making me thankful that we didn't have bunk beds to hit my head on anymore. "Aish! At least warn me next time you're sleeping naked." Jisung whined and I groaned in response.

"It's not my fault you barged in here and woke me up." I sassed to him, walking over to Binnie's dresser to grab a shirt, looking back at my boyfriend to make sure he was still asleep after Jisung's chaotic entrance. He was, which put a smile on my face, knowing that my poor exhausted baby would get his rest even if I didn't.

"What's so important that you had to wake me up at 2 AM Jisung?" I demanded of the small boy as I slipped on a pair of my own boxers. I turned toward my bestfriend and he had a huge smile on his face, looking extremely happy. His adorableness made me unable to stay mad at him, which was semi frustrating.

"We should go talk in the kitchen, cause I'm hungry." He said, making me once again roll my eyes at his antics. Still, though, I went along with the chubby cheeked rapper, following him out to the group's shared kitchen space.

Jisung grabbed a takeout container from the fridge, and then another, passing one to me. He reached into a drawer and passed me a mismatched pair of chopsticks. We both sat ourselves down at the table and then he looked at me with a serious face. I couldn't take him seriously, though, as he had a piece of kimchi stuck to his squirrel cheek.

"You have a little something." I told him, motioning to my face. He reached up and got it off before turning back to me with a pout.

"Lixie! I'm trying to have a serious conversation here!" He whined, narrowing his dark eyes at me. I raised my hands in surrender, probably looking fairly comical with a chopstick clutched in each raised hand.

"It's not my fault your a messy eater." I said teasingly, shrugging my shoulders. Jisung rolled his eyes and then set his food down, letting me know he was really serious. Nothing gets between that boy and kimchi fried rice.

"Felix, something crazy happened while I was at the building today!" Jisung said, a huge smile blooming on his face. I sat there in wait, anticipating Jisung's news that was apparently important enough to wake me up for.

"So Minho brought me up to the old trainee rooms, and then he took me to the exact spot where we first met." He began and I nodded along, having a good idea what came next. "Then....he proposed to me!" He squealed, and I started squealing too.

"I said yes!" He cheered, showing me the beautiful ring on his finger. I clasped his hand in mine and pulled it closer so I could get a better look. The ring was gorgeous, it was silver with a diagonal design of diamonds.

 The ring was gorgeous, it was silver with a diagonal design of diamonds

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"It's gorgeous Sungie! I'm so happy for you." I said, pulling him into a hug while we both sobbed. "I'm going to be your best man, right?" I asked him and he nodded agaisnt my shoulder. Suddenly the door to Jeongin, Chan, Hyunjin and Seungmin's room banged open.

"What's wrong? I heard screaming and crying!" Chan Hyung said, a lamp clasped in his hand with the cord trailing to the floor. A sleepy Jeongin appeared behind him, rubbing his eyes and looking adorable in his little pajama onesie.

"Minho proposed!" I managed to choke out between my happy sobs. Chan rolled his eyes and set the lamp down on the entertainment center. Jeongin whispered something in Chan Hyung's ear and pouted. Chan picked him up and then glared at us.

"Well, with how you idiots were screaming, I would have expected that Minho had died, not just asked to marry Jisung." He complained, patying Jeongin's back soothingly and making it seem like the maknae was a real baby. Then Chan walked back into his room and shut the door.

I looked and Jisung and we began to cry and laugh. Eventually we got so out of breath from those two actions that we fell over on to the bean bag. We were such a mess that our laughs were now silent as tears streamed down our cheeks.

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