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Felix' P.O.V

"Baby, wake up!" Someone whisper shouted in my ear. I felt someone shake me slightly and I groaned and rolled over in my bed. I realized I wasn't in my bed when I fell, and landed in someone's arms.

"Bokkie! Be more careful. I can't have my boyfriend getting hurt." He murmured and I turned bright red at the title, burying my face in his strong chest. Someone behind Changbin in the practice room cleared their throat, alerting me of their presence.

I lifted my head and glanced over my shoulder to see a few members of Twice standing there. If Binnie wasn't already holding me, I definitely would've fallen over. In case you don't already know, I am their biggest fan. Of course I've ran in to them here and there, but never up close with no makeup on.

They were still beautiful of course and I was so in awe of them. Momo was standing in the front with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her pretty face. "I guess the rumors about you two are true then?"

I turned bright red again and hid in Binnie's chest as he turned to face our sunbaenims. "I have no idea what rumors you are referring tk." Changbin said teasingly before placing a kiss on my temple and making the group of girls coo at us. My ears reddened even further and I'm sure that they could all see.

"Aww, Felix is so adorable. You're a lucky man Changbin." One of the girls said and I'm pretty sure it was Sana, but I couldn't see the speaker. Changbin agreed and I lifted my head to glare at him for calling me adorable. He chuckled at me before addressing the others in the space.

"I should probably take this little baby koala back to the dorms. It was nice seeing you guys, have a good practice." Changbin began walking toward the exit and I lifted my head to wave shyly at the girls who were still teasing us.

Changbin put me down and I started to pout. He kissed my cheek and intertwined our hands with a big smile. I stopped pretending to be sad and swung our interlocked hands as we walked out. The walk to the door was filled with a comfortable silence that was incredibly calming.

We arrived at the dorm and could hear the chaos that was ensuing on the other side of the door. Changbin and I exchanged quizzical glances before he shrugged and unlocked the door. I had tried to prepare myself for what might be going on, but the state of our dorm shocked even me.

There were clothes and boxes everywhere and Jeongin was tripping all over the place. Jisung was helping Minho carry something and Hyunjin and Seungmin were asleep on the couch, snuggling cutely. I took a picture of them for payback and maybe to post in the future.

Jeongin fell over a box while carrying Chan's laptop and started hurtling toward the ground. Thankfully our leader had incredible reflexes and caught both Jeongin, and the laptop, that held all his life's work. He took the laptop from the maknae's hands and set it on the coffee table while using the other hand to hold his boyfriend's waist securely.

He looked at Jeongin with a look so loving that Jeongin started to giggle. "Oopsie." He said cutely and Chan let out a big sigh and then kissed Innie on the tip of his nose. Jeongin whined and hit Chan's shoulder, making Chan smirk and grab Jeongin's butt.

Jeongin squealed and hit Chan again, blushing furiously. "While those two are asleep, me and Innie have something to attend to in our new room." He gestured to the couple on the couch and then proceeded to pick up Innie and carried him into his room, kicking the door shut behind him.

I looked at Binnie with a look that spoke for itself, and he just shook his head, indicating that he  was also used to this kind of shit going on. Jisung came back out from his room shirtless and sporting fresh hickeys. His hair was a mess and he had a sheepish grin on his squirrel face.

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