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Changbin's P.O.V

After our snuggling, Felix and I were closer to where we used to be than we had been in a while. We had been being more affectionate and it seemed more natural than we had been recently. We've had a lot of appearances and things lately, and our group was almost back to how it used to be.

Chan and Lix were still flirting though, which made me get extremely possessive of him. When I got possessive I tended to cling to Lixie and make sure everyone knew that he was mine, and I kept people away from him.

All of us were in one of the practice rooms at the company doing a VLive to talk about the win we had gotten on a recent music show. We were all thanking STAYs, the usual stuff.

Chan had his phone and was looking at comments when one of them piqued his interest. "Someone says 'Channie oppa, didn't you promise to kiss all of the members on the cheek after your 3rd win?' I don't remember that." He bluffed, and we all remembered that he had said that after our first win.

"Well, I don't think STAYs would lie, would they?" Minho asks, trying to provoke Chan, who in turn glared at him. Minho just laughed and went back to flirting with Jisung.

"I guess STAYs wouldn't lie, so why don't we close with the kisses, hmm?" He said and the STAYs in the comments agreed. We continued the live, doing the regular things and reading comments. I had my hand
wrapped around Bokkie's waist, but was trying to hide it from the camera by blocking it's view with my body.

Every once in a while I would squeeze my side teasingly, a smirk on my face. He would elbow me but that only encouraged my antics. When we were about to end the Live I started to tense up, my grip tightening on Lixie's waist, pulling him even closer.

Chan had everyone stand and made sure that STAYs could see. He started from Minho and continued to his left. Minho, being the confident gay he is, tried to turn his head at the last second to kiss Chan, but our leader had expected this kind of stunt and gripped his jaw, holding Minhoe in place.

Jisung smacked the back of Minho's head afterward, whispering something in his ear that made Minho's gaze intensify. Chan, being the panic gay he was, was a blushing mess as he moved on to Jisung. The leader kiss the squirrel quickly, trying to avoid the demon that was jealous Minho.

Minho still glared at the shorter male after Chan's lips left his boyfriend's cheek. Chan then moved on to Hyunjin and I could feel my anxiety geowing, so I went as far as moving Felix to my other side, wanting to have as long of a time to prepare as possible for the inevitable kiss.

Hyunjin cracked everyone but me up by making a big show of squatting down so Bang Chan could reach. This made Chan panic even more, having to put his hands on his knees from his laughter. After somewhat recovering he placed a quick kiss on Hyunjin's cheek and backed up.

Their were only three more people before my Felix, and I was dreading this more than anything. Lix grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze trying to be reassuring. I returned the squeeze and gave him a smile, but judging by his frown, it wasn't very convincing.

Next up was Seungmin and the kiss went regular, and Chan received a glare from Hyunjin, who then placed his arm around Seungmin protectively. Seungmin got a big smile on his face and turned to blow a kiss at Hyunjin. Now it was Jeongin's turn, and the youngest member seemed to be panicking quite a bit.

Chan stepped close and held his jaw carefully, whispering in his ear. Jeongin blushed and nodded, still looking nervous. Chan stepped even closer and placed his lips on the maknae's blushing cheek.

His lips lingered longer than the ones before and we all whistled and hooted. When Chan finally pulled away both of the boys were completely flustered and embarrassed, which the rest of us found amusing. Chan then walked over to where I stood there stiffly, my grip on Felix' hand tightening.

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