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Bang Chan P.O.V

(Earlier that day)

Today was the day that Jeonginnie and I were telling his parents that we were together. I was nervous out of my mind and Jeongin had been trying to calm me down, assuring me that his mom and little brother loved me. "It's not them that I'm worried about, baby."

He laughed, hit my shoulder playfully and then wrapping his arms around me sweetly, kissing my cheek. "You'll do fine Channie. Just relax and be yourself." He murmured, rubbing his hands up and down soothingly. I sighed, burying my head in his neck with a nervous laugh.

"What if your brother kills me? Or your dad?" I asked, making him giggle and me pout. "I'm serious I.Nnie." I said, crossing my arms.

He grabbed my arms and uncrossed them, placing a lingering kiss on my mouth. He pulled away and showed me his gorgeous smile, dimples and all. I took a few moments to admire his gorgeous face, from his meticulously styled hair, to his perfect dark brows, his thin, sharp eyes, his incredibly sharp cheekbones, his huge dimples, his perfect lips that were almost always smiling, even when I kissed them.

I love that boy more than anything, and I always had. It started out mostly innocent, but as Woojin and I became more brotherly, Jeongin and I became less. From the first time I laid eyes on him, I knew that he would be in my life forever. When I finally confessed to him, he told me that he had liked me the whole time.

Our relationship was just the same as the other guys' even though we had a bigger age gap. Sometimes Jeongin acts like more of a Hyung than me, but I love him for it. I ran my hand through his hair, making him swat my hand away, trying to fix his perfect hair.

"Stop baby." I said, grabbing his hands and holding them by his sides. "What if they think I molested you? Or that I'm a pedophile? Why if they think I took advantage of you as your leader?" I ranted, using large hand motions for emphasis.

"Jagi," he said, a knowing smile on his pale face. "Stop worrying. Even if they don't approve of us, I'm not going to leave you, hyung. I love you and I'm not going to stop just because of what my family thinks. It isn't true anyways, and we both know that, and that's what matters."

He kissed me sweetly, but pulled away with a smirk when I tried to deepen it. I glared at him and he just pecked me again, playing innocent, when I knew for a fact he wasn't innocent in the slightest.

"Also if we had done anything dirty before I was 20, it would have been consensual. I've wanted you to fuck me since we met, and when I got to know you, that desire just amplified." He said, walking closer until our bodies were flush against each other.

"Baby, you better stop. We don't want you showing up with bruises and a limp. Then they definitely won't like me." I whispered in his ear, making sure to give it a teasing nibble.

Jeongin shivered and let out a giggle, pulling away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of his and Felix' room, not wanting to wake up his roommate.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late." He said and pulled me down to my car. He climbed into the passenger seat and I climbed into the driver's seat. As soon as we got on the highway, making our way to Busan, my baby fell asleep.

I glanced over and him and cooed at his cuteness. His mouth was slightly ajar and he was snoring quietly. I turned my attention back to the road, not wanting to wreck.


"I told you everything would be fine!" Jeongin said, kissing me on the lips and I could feel him smiling. He was right of course. He always was.

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