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Felix' P.O.V

It had been a couple of weeks since Bin got hurt and he was mostly better.
That morning I woke up feeling foggy. That's the only way I can think to describe it. My head felt heavy and my thoughts were slow. I don't even think I really processed it when Chris told me he was going to Busan for the day to meet Jeongin's parents.

I decided to hop in the shower, making sure to remember to bring clothes and a towel. I wanted to avoid running into a certain short man while I wasn't fully clothed. After washing my hair, I heard the door open, and someone started using the toilet.

"Who is that?" I called out.

"It's just Hyunjin, don't worry." He replied, and I continued to wash myself. The toilet flushed, but I didn't hear him exit. He finally exited the steamy room after a suspiciously long time.

I heard a commotion outside and then heard Bin yell some unrepeatable things to someone. I assumed he and Seungmin were arguing again, or maybe Jisung. That was at least what I thought until I heard the bathroom door bang open and the commotion entered.

"Yah! Get off me, you ——s!" He yelled, and believe me, it's best for everyone that I keep it censored. I heard some grunts and shouts, followed by the door slamming shut and the lock clicking.

"We're not going to let you two out until you fuck." Minho said bluntly, making the other three males laugh loudly outside the door.

"Or at least start talking again." Jisung added, and I heard a slap, followed by a curse from Jisung and another slap. Hyunjin whined something about Minho hitting him and then Seungmin could faintly be heard comforting him.

Binnie shouted from inside the bathroom, banging on the door and begging to be let out. I learned a few new Korean words, but it would probably be wise to ask Chan what they mean before repeating them.

"We already told you that we won't let you out until you make up." Seungmin said, using his "isn't it obvious" voice.

"When Chan gets back, he's gonna kill you little ————s!" Binnie growled. I never knew how many curse words there really were in Korea until then. "We all know Lix is his favorite." Changbin said, sounding a little bit bitter as he added the last part.

"Whatever." Minho said, his voice sounding further away. "We're just gonna order food and watch a movie to drown out your yelling." The other guys laughed and I heard all the other guys footsteps receding.

"Bin?" I questioned softly.

"Yes?" He replied, sounding tired.

"They took my clothes didn't they?"

"Seems that they did." He said, sounding a little angrier. "But they did leave us some snacks and cups for water." He finished, making me laugh at our stupid friends.

I shut off the water, getting cold almost immediately, despite the warm bathroom I was in. After a few long moments of awkward silence, I called out to Changbin again. "Hyung?"

"Y-yes Lixeu?" He replied, sounding nervous.

"I'm c-cold." I said, shivering.

"They left one rag, here." He said, passing it to me with his head turned away. I said a quick "thank you" to him and started to dry myself off. I didn't get very far because the rag was small, and I was still just fresh from the shower.

"Binnie?" I said once again.

"Yesss?" He said, sounding a little bit amused.

"I am going to have t-to come out of the s-shower eventually." I told him, shivers raking my body.

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