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A/N:800+ reads?? How even???

Felix' P.O.V

After Changbin woke me up, he seemed very angry and I didn't know why. Was he mad that I dreamt of him in a dirty way? Did he think I was fdreaming of someone else? I distinctly remember it being about Changbin, but let's not get into the details.

While eating dinner, Binnie wouldn't even look at me. I was pouting so much that even the most aloof person I know, Hyunjin, noticed. The other members tried to cheer me up and Binnie just grabbed his food and left to eat in his room.

As soon as he left I let my head fall onto the table with a thump, making all the members looked at me weirdly.  I felt so hopeless and so tired. Tomorrow we had a day off and I was not excited to have it be so awkward.

I got up with a sigh, cleared my spot and then shuffled to my room. I plopped down in my chair and booted up my game. I don't even know how long I played for, because I really needed to distract myself. After my eyes wouldn't stay open I turned off my computers.

I spun around in my chair and a fond smile crept onto my face when I saw my roommate. Jeongin was curled up into a little ball, holding Chan's arm very tightly. Chan was asleep, curled around our maknae, his free hand holding his boyfriend's head sweetly. I felt both happy for them, but sad that I didn't have that.

I grabbed a shirt of Changbin's from my stolen stash and threw it on. I climbed into bed, covering myself with my favorite blanket and hugging my giant stuffed bear. It took me forever to fall asleep, since I had already napped so much today.


I woke up to a text from Seungkwan, asking how everything with Changbin was going. I sighed and sat up in my bed, running my hands through my hair, trying to think of what to reply. After deciding that it might be nice to hear someone else's advice, I typed a long reply.

Seungkwan replied and asked what I was doing today. I furrowed my brows, wondering why he wanted to know. I told him we had a day off. A minute pasted and he didn't reply, so I got up to grab something to eat.

I was walking by the bathroom when I heard a loud "Oppa~" and some other questionable noises. I shuddered and walked faster, trying to get away from the sounds. I walked into the kitchen and Changbin was standing there, a blank expression on his face.

There was no conversation between us as I made myself a bowl of cereal, plopping down at the table to eat. He continued to stand there, and I could feel his dark brown eyes watching. I ate my cereal quietly, pretending I couldn't feel his gaze on me.

My phone buzzed from where I had set it on on the table. I quickly picked it up, holding it close to avoid anyone eavesdropping when I saw it was a message from Seungkwan. I opened the text, reading it with a smile.

I stood and cleared my plate after sending a quick reply. I had a big smile on my face causing Binnie to look at me quizzically. "I'm going to get dressed and then I'm leaving." I told Bin, those being the first words we'd exchanged today.

"Why would I care?" He said trying to sound bored, but I thought I could hear a slight tinge on jealousy in his rough voice. I turned and rolled my eyes.

"I didn't say you would." I replied sassily. "I just wanted the people who do care about me not to worry." I said, stomping into my room.

My loud footsteps and my slamming of the door woke I.N, and he gave me a tired look. "Go back to sleep, everything is fine." I told him, his head lolling back onto Chan's arm that the small boy had been using as a pillow.

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