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A/N:1.39k reads? That's crazy. Thank you all soooo much! Not to mention 130 votes, which is crazy.

Felix' P.O.V

It had been a couple of days since the bathroom incident and I was still mad at the other boys. Mostly I was just mad that they had taken my clothes. Like I was gonna have sex for the first time while I was locked in a bathroom with my friends on the other side of the wall. I wasn't ignoring them, but Binnie definitely was.

I was bored, because everyone was doing their own thing. Seungmin and Hyunjin were on a date, Minho and Jeongin had gone to see a movie and 3RACHA were working on some new songs. I walked to Binnie's room and stole one of his shirts, slipping it over my head and crawling into bed.

After trying to sleep for a while, bad thoughts invaded my brain, the voices telling me all the things I was lacking. They reminded me of all the mistakes I had made, all the people I had let down. Mostly the voices just told me that everyone would be better off without me and that I was a burden, a waste of space.

Tears pricked my ears, threatening to spill any second now. When the tears fell, it was like a floodgate opened. I cried and cried until the silent tears turned into loud, heaving sobs. I grabbed Binnie's blanket and held it to my face, inhaling the comforting scent and soaking the blanket with my tears.

I heard the front door open and the two boys who had gone to see a movie entered the dorm, chatting. As they approached and heard my crying their chatter ceased. My door opened up and Minho hyung walked in. The shower turned on, so I assumed Innie had gotten in.

"What's wrong Felix?" He asked me, coming closer to me. He stood by my bed, trying to see my face. I let out a loud sob in reply and when I looked at him his face was plastered with concern. "What can I do?" He asked me, his voice sounding a little frantic

"Please hug me." I said between sobs and he climbed up in my bed quickly. He sat down behind me and scooted me to sit between his legs, wrapping his arms around my heaving torso. His grip was secure, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't pretend it was who I wanted to be there.

Everything was off. As much as he was trying to be helpful, Minho wasn't Binnie. The smell was off, he was too tall, his arms weren't big enough, he didn't hold me tight enough or in the right way. My sobs only got louder as Minho tried to soothe me, because all I could think about was that I was a burden to Minho and Changbin was tired of having to take care of me.

"What do you need?" Minho Hyung asked, sounding desperate at this point. I tried to talk but all that came out were sobs. He looked around, trying to find something to help when his eyes landed on my shirt, that was actually Binnie's. "I'll be right back, okay?" He said and I nodded as he climbed out of my bed and quickly ran down the hall.

He returned with Binnie's stuffed toy named Gyu. He carefully handed it to me and I cradled it like a baby, placing a kiss on it's fluffy forehead. Minho gave me a sad smile and I tried to return one, but a sob wracked through my body.

"I'm going to call him." Minho hyung said, pulling out his phone.

"No! Please don't." I pleaded through my tears and Minho rolled his eyes at me, his handsome face taken over by a look of frustration.

"Yes, I'm gonna call him." He said, starting to dial Binnie's number. "I don't care what kind of quarrel you are having right now, but he is what you need. And if I didn't call him and something happened to you, he would murder me."

Minho hyung dialed the number and I could hear the line ring three times before he answered. I found that weird since Bin always answered my calls almost immediately. "Changbin, come home now. It's Felix." Minho said and then hung up.

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