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A/N:700+ reads!? That's crazy.

Changbin's P.O.V

After talking to Hyunjin I was feeling very emotional. I was overwhelmed and I was feeling like I was about to explode from the conflicting thoughts running through my mind constantly. My brain quieted down when I saw Lixie standing there looking worried. I didn't want to worry Felix, so I tried my best to calm myself down.

I'm pretty sure he saw through it, because then he rushed over to me. I immediately released my hold on Hyunjin and opened my arms for the smaller, but taller, boy. He held me tightly and I heard Jinnie get up and leave us. Felix soothingly rubbed my back, and scooted back on the couch, pulling me with him.

I sighed contentedly when he moved me to face the same way as him, pulling me into his lap. He sighed and laid his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. I set my head on top of his, closing my eyes as well, feeling safe with his thin arms wrapped tightly around my hips.

I could hear the way his breath changed and knew he was asleep. His chest was rising and falling, making me move with it, and lulling me to join his state of slumber. His grip stayed secure around me in his sleep, making all bad dreams stay away.


I felt something tap my shoulders, pulling me from my refreshing nap. My eyes slowly opened to see Han standing there with a satisfied smile on his squirrel-like face. "Time to go home. You guys slept for like two hours." My eyes widened and I tried to stand up, but the hands around my waist tightened, holding me down.

I smiled a bit at Felix' koala like behavior. I tried to get up again but he held me down. He mumbled something about chicken and then wrapped his legs around my waist, too. He snuggled into my neck, his hair tickling me.

Han cleared his throat and told me to hurry up before walking out of the door. I turned my head toward Lix, placing a kiss on his cheek to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open in surprise and he blushed, but didn't release his hold on me.

"Darling, it's time to go home." I whispered in his ear, brushing my ear against it. He shook his head, sticking his bottom lip out in the cutest pout, that I wanted to kiss away. "Yongbok." I said to him, trying to sound serious, but my voice was soft and I had a huge smile on my face.

He cuddled closer to me, mumbling to me. "I don't wannnaaaa. I'm sleepy." He said the last part in English, like he sometimes did when we was tired. "Can't you just stay and cuddle me, Binniiiee?" He said pouting again.

I chuckled at his babyish behavior and moved his arms so they were around my neck. I stood, lifting him with me easily. He giggled laying his head on my shoulder and trying to fall back asleep. I gripped his thighs to hold him up and began to walk out to where the other boys were.

I walked in and the other boys smiled at our position. They started to coo, but I shooshed them, not wanting them to wake up the adorable boy that was snuggled into my back. They teased me, but I didn't do anything, because I didn't want to interrupt the peaceful human's sleep.

We walked back to the dorm and I carried Felix the whole time. He kept mumbling random things, making the smile only he could cause appear on my face. Just touching him was making me feel safe and relaxed. No one else had that kind of affect on me, and I don't trust anyone else enough to feel that way around them.

Once we were inside the dorm I walked into Felix and I's old room. I carefully moved him so he was facing towards me, clinging onto my chest like the baby he was. I chuckled quietly and carefully climbed the ladder up to his bed, using one arm to hold him and the other on the rungs.

I crawled into his bed, trying to set him down, but he pulled me on top of him. I chuckled and rolled my eyes and then he whined and held me closer. He moved his head into the crook of my neck and nuzzled in, tickling me with his hair. He whined something in English, wrapping his arms around my head gently.

He ran his fingers through my hair, and I relaxed a little. I flipped us carefully, setting him on top of me and pulling the blanket he stole from me on top of us. He mumbled "I love you." But I didn't take it as anything, as he could just mean as friends.

After his breathing slowed and I was sure he was asleep I murmured "I love you, too Bokkie." And started to slowly move out from underneath him. Once I had successfully managed to make it to the floor I reached up to tuck him in, taking a while to admire how young and innocent he looked while sleeping.

He wasn't wearing makeup, since we weren't doing anything today except rehearsal. Freckles covered his face like constellations, I could study them all day, trying to make shapes. His lips were so plump, his mouth open slightly and I had a strong desire to kiss him. I pushed my desire away, and reached to brush a strand of his purple hair of his forehead instead, letting my hand linger on his face.

I reluctantly left him after surrounding him with stuffed animals. I walked out into the living room and went into the studio where Jisung and Chan were. They were working on some lyrics, so I sat across from Chan, next to Jisung. We worked on lyrics until we finished two verses and Chan's stomach was growling loudly.

Jisung ordered some food for delivery to the house and we went into the living room. Minho and Hyunjin, who had stayed later to work on a project, were asleep on the couches. Seungmin was in the kitchen, sitting at the table and writing in his journal.

I snuck up behind him to scare him, grabbing his shoulders and making him shout. He scooted his chair back, quickly turning and charging me. I let out an evil laugh as he started to chase me around the couches. Minho and Hyunjin were awake now from how loud we were being.

Hyunjin glared at us and reached his arms out and grabbed Seungmin by the waist, pulling him onto the couch and whispering something in his ear that made him blush furiously. I rolled my eyes and flung myself on the beanbag dramatically with a sigh.

The other guys looked at me weirdly but I pretended not to notice. Chan came in and made Seungmin and Hyunjin scoot over, taking a seat and then putting on a random movie. I wasn't watching, but was instead overthinking a bunch of things and I couldn't stop myself.

The doorbell rang and Chan walked over and opened the door to reveal the delivery guy. He brought the food to the table and looked at me. "Go get Felix." He told me and I immediately listened. I got up and walked to his room, walking right in, since I knew he was still asleep.

I walked around his bed, about to reach up and wake him up, when something stopped me. "Hyung!" He gasped out. Making me raise my eyebrows at him. He let out a loud moan, and I realized he must have been dreaming.

I felt myself heat up, knowing I should just wake him up but his noises were keeping me frozen where I was. "Don't stop, Hyung!" He moaned, and I was glad I had shut his door behind me. His deep voice was full of desperation and lust, and I wanted to make him moan like that.

"Hyung!" He groaned, and I blushed. I was snapped out of my daze when I realized he was probably dreaming about Bang Chan. He was probably just remembering how our leader had made him moan with just his lips on his my Felix' neck.

I lifted my hand then and placed it on his shoulder. I roughly shook him, and the younger boy was ripped from his less than sweet dreams. He snapped his head to see me and his eyes got wide. He turned bright red and asked in small voice. "You didn't hear anything did you?" He asked my not making eye contact.

"No." I replied bluntly, but I must not have convinced him, because he hid his face in a pillow in shame. "Food's in the kitchen." I said coldly, before walking out angrily.

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