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Felix' P.O.V

Chan walked out, shutting the door behind him, not knowing what could happen. I glanced at my feet, trying to delay the inevitable that was a discussion with Binnie. I heard his bed creak and a shadow shifted closer to me. A hand met my chin and tilted it up.

My eyes met Binnie's face, and he looked less mad and more sad now. I could see the disappointment and hurt shining in his brown eyes. His hand moved from it's place on my chin to brush the already forming hickey that Chan had left.

I looked down again, embarrassed and ashamed of how much of a reaction Chan had gotten from me with only his mouth on my neck. Binnie lifted my head back up with his other hand, forcing me to look at him. He touched the mark making me shiver, just thinking about Binnie giving me a similar mark. His eyes flicked back up to my eyes, and I tried to figure out what he was thinking, but I couldn't.

"Why?" Bin asked me, packing so much emotion into that one work that his voice cracked. I looked at him seriously considering kissing him and shoving him onto the bed. I decided that would be a bad idea and I wrapped my thin arms around his shorter frame instead.

He tensed up, not wanting this hug, but I held him tightly. I felt him try to squirm away and I let him. "I can't answer that question, Binnie, because I don't know the answer myself." My answer, unlike most of the things I had said in the last couple of days, was true.

His shoulders slumped and he walked out, leaving me standing there, holding myself back from chasing after him. I put my head in my hands and started to cry. I heard footsteps approaching and then someone murmuring, "Oh Lix."

I felt strong arms envelope me, and I identified the person as Chan."I saw Bin leave and I came to see how you are." I answered by sobbing loudly, stiffly standing in the leader's embrace, soaking his shirt with my tears. I slumped to the floor, taking Chan with me. We sat there for a long time, Chris whispering comforting things in my ear and stroking my back.

I finally stopped crying and Chris pulled away from me, and seeing the state I was in, picked me up and put me into the top bunk. "I think it would be best if I.N and Changbin switched rooms for a while." He said and I nodded, knowing that this was needed right now.

"I'll go tell them." Chan said heading toward the door, but turning back to look at me again. "I'm gonna sleep in here tonight, so I can keep and eye on you, and spend some real time with I.Nnie." He turned and left, not giving me the chance to reject his idea, not that I would have anyways. I think having someone keep an eye on me was very necessary at the moment.

I heard my door open again and saw Chan carrying some bedding and a few stuffed animals that were easily identifiable as I.N's. He set them on the ground and scooped up Changbin's bedding off the bottom bunk, explaining his reasons for his actions, "Maybe you two shouldn't be in a room alone right now."

I just nodded sadly and buried my face into my pillow. I heard more footsteps and felt someone climb into my bed next to me, laying down carefully. I lifted my head to see an adorable maknae, his dimples making him look even cuter and more innocent, despite the events of earlier that I was still trying to forget about. He snuggled into me and murmured something about how lucky anyone would be to have me.

I felt a smile crawl onto my face, feeling slightly better from getting cuddles from our youngest member. I felt something heavy land on top of me, making me let out a loud groan and causing the heavy thing to shake with laughter. "Channieeee!" Jeongin groaned, being annoyed by his immature lover.

Chan just laughed again and rolled off of us, moving to my other side, so I was sandwiched between them in the small bunk. I found myself feeling very comfortable and sleepy, despite it not even being dinner time yet. My eyelids started to get heavy as I was snuggled by my two friends.

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