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Felix's P.O.V

2 months later

"Ouch, you sat on my hand you dumbo!" Jisung yelled, pushing Seungmin off of the said hand. Seungmin tripped and almost hit the floor, but was caught by his boyfriend, who then shot a pointed glare at the squirrel, clutching his pouting boyfriend to his chest.

Seungmin pouted and sneakily stuck his tongue out at Jisung, really milking it to get more attention from Hyunjin. Jisung scoffed and rolled his brown eyes, causing Minho to laugh at him and Seungmin's funny interaction. Jisung pouted and looked at Minho and reached out his hands for a hug. Minho grinned and embraced his tiny squirrel of a boyfriend.

"You guys!" Chan groaned, sighing in exasperation after, so tired of our members childish behavior. "Everyone sit down, we need to start the live!" Chan had the look on his face that told us he was fed up with our antics and was going to get angry soon.

All of us arranged ourselves on the couches in no particular order. It wasn't until I glanced around that I realized we were sitting by couple. I didn't say anything though, because I didn't want Chan hyung or the staff to move us.

Changbin must have noticed that I was lost in thought, because I felt his hand stroke the back of my neck. I turned to face him and gave him a small smile, accompanied with a wink. He blushed a little and I felt my heart flutter. I reached out and ruffled his hair, causing him to push his head against my hand like a cat.

"Stop being so gay, we're starting the live." Jeongin said from behind Binnie, and I could see Chan at us from behind the maknae. I held my hands up in surrender and then folded them in my lap, turning to face the phone that was recording us. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my cute boyfriend do the same.

"1, 2, 3-" Chan said loudly, making sure we were all paying attention we all finished the introduction, not even dating to mess around. We all knew that Chan was not in the mood, and didn't want to get on his bad side right now.

"Step out! We are Stray Kids!" We said and then Chan hying continued to talk, explaining why we were doing a live today. The reason was because our recent music video had gotten 50 million views in 2 weeks, which was just insane.

"So, why don't we go down the line and tell STAYs whatever each of us has been up to." Chan glanced to Jeongin who seemed to be space out. Chan smirked and started to tickle his younger boyfriend. Jeongin squealed and slapped Chan's hand away, looking around with an adorable confused face.

"Do you need me to explain again?" Chan hyung teased and Jeonginnie nodded shyly, a blush raising on his usually pale cheeks. Chan explained calmly with an admiring smile on his face. Jeongin then shyly answered the question.

"I've been MCing, as stays probably now." Jeongin mumbled, glancing quickly at Chan while tried to encourage him with a nod and a smile. This just caused our maknae to get shy and blush, gesturing for Changbin to continue with his own answer.

"Well, I've been pretty happy lately." Changbin said with a grin, his eyes darting to me for a second. I caught this action in my peripheral vision and blushed, occupying myself with my extremely interesting hands. "What about you, Bokkie?" He asked, forcing me to look up at him.

"I've also been happy lately. And I'm very glad that our team has as amazing of songwriters as 3RACHA." I said, staring Changbin in the eyes the whole time, trying to get him back for a minute earlier. It didn't work as he just smirked at me and made me get shy once again.

Hyunjin continued down the line telling STAYs that he was working the 00 line to do another special stage, and then Seungmin talked as well. The rest of the guys talked, but I wasn't able to, because a certain triangular man had a firm grasp on my thigh. I shot him an obvious glare, signaling for him to let go.

Changbin just pretended not to notice, glancing around with a mock innocent smile. I rolled my eyes and glanced to Chan who had began talking again. The words that came out of the leader's mouth didn't register in my brain, that was currently overwhelmed by my boyfriend's touch.

Chan talked for a while about an upcoming fansign event, and then he began to tease and flirt with Jeongin. I rolled my eyes at his blatant love for the maknae, glancing over at the amber on the other side of me, avoiding looking at Binnie. Minho was being snuggled by Hyunjin, who was completely unaware of how angry Seungmin was about his actions.

Jisung seemed to be pouting, so I tried to stand up and go cheer him up, but Changbin pulled me onto his lap by the waist. The hands that had ouled me to sit back down began to sneak under my shirt, tickling the bare skin. I squirmed and let out a giggle, trying to escape from his hold. Changbin hyung stopped tickling me and snaked his hands around to hold them around me.

"You better stop moving." Changbin said in my ear, the roughness of his voice making me shiver. "Boys who are naughty on live get punishments." Binnie continued, making my eyes widen in shock and my body freeze immediately. I'm sure I was bright red at this point, so I hid my face behind my sweater paws.

I peeked from behind my hands and the manager motioned for me to move off of Changbin. Turning my head, I whispered the information to Changbin who nodded and pursed his lips. I scooted off of my baby Binnie and onto the seat next to him that was significantly less comfy.

The rest of the live went good, without any more warnings from the staff. If I had no self control, I would have already started making out with him on camera, but I had a little restraint left. I spent the rest of the live joking with Hyunjin but still keeping my arm around Binnie's shoulders.  

We finished the live and the manager turned it off. I immediately released a sigh so dramatic that it rivaled even Hyunjin. The members looked at me like I was crazy but then I threw myself onto Bin and they understood what my overreaction was about.

Chan just rolled his eyes and pulled Jeongin onto his lap, cuddling him adorably and placing kiss after kiss on the maknae's cheek. Hyunjin stood and stretched, but then Seungmin wrapped his arms around the taller boy's waist. "My boyfriend is so cute!" Hyunjin said, turning his head to plant a kiss on Min's cheek.

Seungmin rolled his eyes but still continued to hug Hyunjin. Minho stretched and yawned, laying his head down on Sungie's lap. Jisung ran his hand through Minho's hair. "Where do you want to go for our date tonight?" Minho asked up to Jisung who scrunched up his eyebrows in thought.

"How about that BBQ place down the street?" Jisung asked and Minho nodded with a smile. I felt Binnie's hand reach up into my hair and stroke down the back of my neck. I sighed and snuggled into Changbin's neck, nuzzling my nose against the skin of his neck.

I inhaled Bin's scent and it calmed me down immediately. The door to the room we were in banged open and all of us snapped our heads around to see who had caused the commotion. Standing in the door way was our manager with wide eyes and a look of shock on his face.

"The live never got shut off." He said, quickly walking over to the phone that was broadcasting and shut it off. All of the guys and I just sat there, looking at eachother in awe.

"Well, I guess we don't have to figure out how to come out now!" Minho said, not even worked up enough about the current situation to even sit up from Jisung's lap. All of our jaws drop as we looked at the unbothered man.

Then I made eye contact with Seungmin and we burst out in laughter. The other members looked at us and then a smile bloomed on Changbin's face. Changbin then began laughing, followed by Chan and then the others.

"No one is as good as stupid stuff like this than us!" Chan gasped out between his laughs. We all nodded in agreement and continued to laugh until we were gasping for air and our tummies were hurting.

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