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Felix' P.O.V

The continued regularly, we ate at the company cafeteria and it was normal, besides Bin's absence, but no one brought it up. The whole group had noticed how tense me and Binnie had been lately, and they all knew better than to dampen the mood by asking about it. Me and Changbin had always had tension, and little spats here and there, but this was different and they could all tell.

We walked home and everyone went to bed early after Chan reminded us that we had a fansign tomorrow. That actually brought my mood up, just thinking about getting to meet and talk to STAYs. I always loved fansigns, and they always brought my mood up.

My plan for tomorrow was to do something really extreme with Chan, get the fandom talking, rumours flowing and get Chanlix trending on Twitter. I knew that would piss Binnie off big time. Even though Bin and I usually sat next to each other during fan meetings, I knew it would probably be better if we didn't, even though the seats were already decided when we planned it.

I laid in bed, listening to the adorably soft snores coming from the maknae sleeping on the bunk beneath me. I was wearing my own clothes, which felt weird, since I always used Binnie's shirts to sleep in. I held his blanket close, inhaling deeply as it still smelled like him from our snuggle session on the couch.

My eyes closed as I imagined that I had the real thing snuggled up with me. I fell into a dream about very weird things that don't need to be mentioned.


My slightly dirty dream was interpreted by a loud alarm coming from below me. I groaned loudly and rolled over holding my pillow over my ears to block the noise. My pillow was snatched away and the sound was turned off. I opened my eyes, groaning again.

I saw a freshly showered Chan, standing in my room with Jeongin's phone in his hand. He must have turned off the alarm. "You need to shower today." Chan said, interrupting me before I could protest. "I know that you haven't showered this week. I know it's easy to overlook it when you're overwhelmed and sad, but you have to be hygienic. If not for the sake of the members then for the sake of the STAYs we are gonna meet today."

I sighed, and ran my hands through my oily tangled hair, knowing that, as always, Chan was right. I got up and grabbed my towel from my dresser. Chris leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on I.Nnie's slightly parted lips, causing the youngest member to inhale deeply and open his eyes, pulling Chan fully on top of him. I took that as my cue to leave and headed into the hallway, shutting the door behind me.

I walked into the bathroom, silently thanking Chan for waking me up early before the others so that I didn't have to deal with the conflict of who got to shower first. I turned on the water and let it adjust to the right temperature as I took off my shirt and boxers. I stepped under the water, the heat immediately causing me to relax muscled that I didn't even know had been tense.

I let the water droplets run down my body, imagining that they could clean away all my mixed emotions and get rid of all my feelings, but it didn't work very well. I quickly washed my hair and body, not wanting to get blamed for their not being enough hot water when the other boys woke up. I grabbed my towel and dried myself off, vigorously drying my hair, before wrapping the towel around my  waist and walking into the hallway.

I stepped out of the steamy bathroom and into the hallway that felt freezing in contrast. The cold air making my teeth chatter. I shivered and then heard Han's door open, and saw Changbin, who was only wearing underwear. I sucked in a breath at the sight of him, trying to enjoy it now, since I wouldn't see it as often now that we weren't roommates.

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