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A/N:Thank you so so much for 3k reads!

Changbin's P.O.V

I had woken up that morning to five missed calls from my mom. That immediately made me worried as hell, and it also made me realize that I hadn't even told her that Felix and I were dating now. She, of course, knew that I was gay, but I never told her that it was my adorable Australian groupmate who caused my sexual awakening.

After thinking about when I realized I was gay as hell, I called back my mom. The phone rang three times, and I began to worry that she wouldn't pick up. My worries diminished immediately when I heard her scream angrily into my ear.

"Are you aware that it's been over 5 months since you came to visit your parents?" She asked, but continued to talk, even when I tried to defend myself. "I don't want to hear any excuses! I just want my son to come visit me right now, and I know that it's your day off, so you have no excuse today."

"Okay, I'll come. I'll leave in an hour okay?" She agreed to the plan and her voice softened.

"I'm sorry for yelling Binnie, but I just really miss you. Your dad does too. How about I make all your favorite foods for you?" I agreed and hung up, hurrying to wake up Felix, deciding to take this chance to bring him home to my parents.

I crawled into the bottom bunk and straddled Felix. "Wake up, Angel." I leaned down and whispered in his ear, making him groan and try to push me off. "Bokkie." I said again, this time trailing kisses from below his ear to his mouth.

I could tell he woke up when he started kissing me back, nibbling on my bottom lip. I groaned, and pulled away from him. "We have to get out of bed. I'm taling you somewhere today." I told him, sitting up on his lap.

"Where?" He asked me, also sitting up.

"To meet my parents." I said, like it was no big deal. His eyes got wide and his mouth fell open.

"What?" He yelled, his eyes still wide. "You say that like it's nothing!" He said, hitting my shoulder. "That's a fucking huge deal! Meeting the love of my life's parents?" He shouted, but my lips turned up into a smile at his admission.

"Love of your life, huh?" I teased him, tickling his sides. He grabbed the sides of my face and kissing me hard.

"Duh, Binnie." He said after he pulled away, wiping the saliva from his mouth with the back of his hand. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.


"Hurry up, Binnie, I don't want to be late!" My Bokkie whined, stomping his feet as he dragged me to the door of the house I grew up in. He reached his hand up and knocked on the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet nervously.

The door swung open to reveal my mom in an apron, a huge smile on her face. "Baby, you didn't tell me you were bringing Yongbok along!" She said, pulling the boy of us into a tight hug. Bokkie glared at me because of her use of his Korean name, knowing that it was because that's the name I used for him.

"It was kind of a last minute thing, plus I wanted to surprise you." I muttered, glancing at Bokkie with a sly smile.

"Well, come inside! I have lots of food for you to eat, you are looking too skinny." My mom said, dragging both of us through the door, giving us two seconds to take off our shoes before pulling us into the kitchen.

"Honey, Changbin is here!" My mom shouted, glancing over at Lix before continuing. "And he has a surprise for us." She finished, sitting me and Felix down at the table.

I heard the study door open and my father walked in, still wearing a suit from his work day. "Ah, Changbin, come give me a hug." He said opening his arms so I walked into them. "And  I see you brought along Yongbok, too. Is that the surprise?" He asked me, his head cocked to the side in question.

I glanced over at Lixie for permission before answering. The gorgeous boy gave me a nod and an encouraging grin. I turned to my dad and then my mom. "Why don't we all sit?" I asked and they complied, seeming to communicate with each other without spoken words.

"Well, mom, dad I have something to tell you." I said, glancing at Lix from across the table. "Felix and I are together. Like in a relationship, together. We have been for a couple of months." I told them, making sure they understood.

My parents glanced at each other and seemed to silently communicate once again. "Well, honey, you better pay up." My dad said smugly, holding his hand out to my mom, who placed a 50,000 Won bill in his palm with a from and an eyeroll.

"What was that for?" I demanded as Yongbok just laughed at my shock. My parents grinned and each placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, you see, your mother and I made bets when you first spoke about Yongbok." He elaborated, and I was still confused. "I bet that you would tell us in person after you were official, and your mom bet that we would find out when your relationship got exposed to the press."

Lixie's laughter increased and my mom looked at him lovingly, making me happy that she liked him. Then I remembered that I was angry and I turned to glare at each of my parents. They were still smiling and my dad seemed overjoyed to have won, even though it wasn't like he needed the money.

"Why would you bet on something like that?" I asked them, but they didn't answer. "And how did you know we would get together at all?" I asked them, my tone very accusatory.

"Well, Changbin, we knew you were gay since you were in Kindergarten and had a little crush, and you are kind of obvious." He said with a fond smile, like he was recalling a good memory. I tried to interrupt and defend myself, but he held up his hand to stop me.

"The first time we heard you talk about Mr.Lee here, we knew you had fallen, and hard. So, we researched him and came to find out that he was perfect for you in every way, and then we found all these adorable videos of the two of you. We knew you would get together eventually, no matter how stubborn you both are." My father finished up, looking at me and Felix as we both got shy.

"I fully support your relationship and I can't wait for you to get married, but I am a little bit concerned about grandkids." My mom said, looking at both of us, waiting for an answer.

"Well, I already have talked to Noona, and she is willing to be a surrogate for me. We talked about it years ago, when I came out to her. I haven't told you yet, Lix, because I didn't know if that's something you would want." I admitted, glancing at Felix shyly.

His eyes were wide and he was smiling so big that it looked painful. "Of course I want that, Binnie! Having a little Binnielix baby running around would be heaven!" Felix gushed, and I think that I loved him more in that moment that ever before. "It would be perfect if we had a little girl!" Felix squealed, clapping his tiny hands.

I stared at him, in awe of his perfection, thinking that there was nothing I could do to deserve this man. My eyes never glanced away from him as he chatted with my parents easily. Both my mom and dad seemed to love Bokkie, and I couldn't have been happier at their reactions, feeling incredibly blessed to have accepting parents.

"Earth to Binnie!" Felix joked, waving his tiny hand in front of my face. I caught it and kissed his palm, making him blush and tear his hand away. "Your parents were just saying that you once lost Gyu and you didn't sleep until you had him back. That is so precious, but you don't have to worry, because now you have me to cuddle with!" He said, his freckled face looking so pretty that I wanted to kiss it all over.

"Why must you tell him all my embarrassing stories?" I groaned, hiding my head in my hands.

"Oh we just barely got started." My dad said with a mischievous grin on his face. "What should we tell him next?" He asked, tapping his head teasingly, causing me to groan again, and Lix to giggle happily, eager to hear all about how many times I embarrassed myself as a kid and teen.

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