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Felix' P.O.V

We continued our breakfast, chatting about music and our next comebacks. Vernon stared adoringly at Seungkwan the whole time, making me wish Binnie was here. We ordered some food and were sitting there chatting, Chan and Vernon got along very well.

Vernon was eating his muffin when he got some on his face. Seungkwan smiled at him and then wiped the food off his face before putting it in his own mouth. Vernon beamed at him and ruffled his hair.

Seungkwan huffed and tried to fix his hair, making us all laugh at him. He started to pout, so Vernon grabbed his face and placed a kiss on his lips. Seungkwan was fine after that. We talked for a long time and Seungkwan and I really hit it off.

We exchanged numbers and then they realized they had to go. "I hope we can meet up again. And maybe I can meet your boyfriend next time." He smiled at me, his chubby cheeks looking very adorable. I can definitely see why Vernon was so in love with him.

They left after everyone exchanged hugs and Chan paid. We started our walk back to the dorms after securing our masks back on our faces. We picked up some food on the way back, as it was already lunch time and the boys couldn't cook without burning down the whole building. Chan and I interlaced our fingers right before we entered since our plan was now in action.

We unlocked the door and walked in to find Jisung and Minho making out in the kitchen. "Aish!" Chan said, covering his eyes. The boys separated, wiping their mouths and turned to us, Minho with a smirk on his face and Jisung looking flustered. The boys glanced down at our interlocked hands, but didn't mention it. I rolled my eyes at them and yelled for our other members to come eat.

Hyunjin, Seungmin and I.N all came into the kitchen, but Changbin wasn't with them. I set the food on the table and went to go get him. I walked into our room and was met with a very nice sight. Changbin had earbuds in and was doing pushups on the ground.

I watched his muscles flex as he exercised, feeling myself get hot. Changbin stopped doing pushups and sat up, catching me staring at him. He pulled his earbuds out and smirked at me. "Enjoying the show?" Bin asked me smugly and I looked away.

I glanced back up to see him shirtless, throwing his sweaty tank top into the laundry hamper and digging in his dresser to find a new one. I watched, amiring his body that he worked very hard to keep how it was. His defined muscles made me want to throw myself at him, but I held back.

I cleared my throat, causing him to turn towards me. "There's food in the kitchen." I said, before walking out. I walked to the kitchen and made myself a plate before sitting down at the table next to Chan, scooting close to him. Jisung was sitting on Minho's lap, both of them eating food.

Jeongin was across from me, staring longingly at Chris. I felt bad for the kid. I smiled at him sadly and he returned one. Changbin came into the room and sat next to Hyunjin, sitting too close for my liking. Seungmin noticed how close they were and plopped onto Hyunjin's lap.

Hyunjin smiled at him before picking up a piece of food and feeding it to Seungmin. I smiled at them, happy that Hyunjin was paying attention to Minnie and not Changbin, who was currently pouting from a lack of attention. I felt slightly bad, but I wasn't going to ditch my plan over one pouty boy.

I snuggled into Chan and he held some noodles up to my mouth on his chopsticks, trying to feed me. I opened up my mouth and ate, fake giggling. Jeongin got up and excused himself, telling us that he was going to shower. Chan glanced after him longingly, making me slightly regret our plan. Their was no turning back now.

Chan finished eating and excused himself. The other members were distracted, but I definitely saw him go into the bathroom after Jeongin. I rolled my eyes, knowing that nothing innocent was going to be going on in there.

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