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Felix' P.O.V

After I asked where the other members were, Seungkwan explained that Vernon and Seokmin had to work until later that day and that Dino was with his girlfriend. I ate with all the other guys and I learned Mingyu was a great cook. The members all chatted and ate, and I did too.

When I had finished eating, Seungkwan asked if I wanted to talk more and I nodded, so we left to his room. Sitting on his bed we resumed our conversation. "Thank you again for inviting me over." I said, and Seungkwan smiled at me warmly.

"Of course." He replied putting his arm around me. "I have a feeling you will visit again. Everyone seems to love you." He said with a soft chuckle. I laughed too, happy that I was able to make some friends outside of my group.

"I hope everything works out with Changbin. I know that it's harder for someone who was raised in an unaccepting country to admit their feelings for someone of the same gender." He said, looking like he was recalling something. "I remember spending hours telling myself it was all fanservice with Nonie, but look at us now."

"Yeah, I guess that's true, I just love him so much and I want him to be mine and mine only. I'm tired of watching him flirt with other people." I said, shaking my head. Seungkwan gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze, comforting me.

Footsteps approached his bedroom, and the extremely handsome face of Vernon appeared around the corner of the door. "Why is he allowed to sit on your bed, but not me?" The handsome boy questioned, a mock pout on his lips.

"Shut up, Solie!" Seungkwan said, standing to playfully hit his boyfriend.  "You and I both known that we do more than sit on your bed." Seungkwan said, making me feel embarrassed.

"Why can't we sit on your bed??" Vernon whined again, poking out his bottom lip. Seungkwan put his hand over Vernon's mouth to shut him up, but his younger boyfriend grabbed his hand and twirled him around.

Vernon used one arm to hold Seungkwan against his chest and the other to hold Seungkwan's hands behind his back. Seungkwan accidentally let out a moan and then turned bright red. Vernon just smirked and started to whisper something in Seungkwan's ear that made his face get even redder.

I stood up and quickly left the room, shutting the door behind me, shuddering, just thinking about what was going on. As I entered the living room and was greeted by Wonwoo, Soonyoung and Mingyu, who were all sitting on the couch with the tiny Jihoon stretched across them. I've always been told that Jihoon hated skinship, but the way he had curled his arms around Mingyu said otherwise.


I arrived back to our dorms and used my key to open the door and nudge my way in, carrying the bags of groceries and dinner I had picked up on my way back. Walking into the kitchen, I kicked the door shut behind me and drop the bags on the counter with a huff.

"Fooooddd!!" I yelled, setting the table for my members. Hyunjin and Seungmin were the first to come into the kitchen, hands intertwined and smiles on their faces. Chris and Jeongin followed close behind, the leader piggy backing the younger.

The four of them all quickly started to serve themselves, chatting among themselves casually. Minho walked out of Han's room and I think we all know what he had been doing. "Where is Sungie? Is he going to eat?" I asked Minho, who smirked before he answered.

"He's a little worn out." He said, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. I fake threw up and the other members just rolled their eyes, all of us very used to the less than pure activities Minho liked to engage in with my bestfriend.

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