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A/N:The majority of this chapter's spoken parts will actually be in English, unless otherwise specified.

10 Months Later

Changbin's P.O.V

"Angel?" I called to Bokkie in a soft voice. He mumbled something in English and his hands lifted to cover his face. "The plane landed it's time to get up sweetheart." I said, my voice oozing affection while I observed the beautiful boy next to me.

"Fine." Felix agreed with a groan, looking at me with a pout on his lips. He rose from his seat and reached up to grab his carry on bag, struggling due to his height. I didn't offer to help him, knowing that I was going to have less of a chance of reaching it than him.

After he finally got his bag and mine, we exited the plane and entered the airport. We made our way to the entrance, the bustle of the crowd making me itch to hold Felix's hand to keep him close. I listened to my urges, remembering that one, we weren't in Korea anymore, and two, everyone already knew about our relationship.

I reached for his hand and he turned to give me a smile when I intertwined out fingers. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and then we resumed walking toward the entrance, trying to find Felix's family in the mess of people.

We got closer to the start of the airport and I saw two Korean women that I could easily recognize from the numerous video chats, with a sign that said Felix and Changbin on it. I smiled at the fact that they included me on the paper, and then I pointed them out to Lixie.

My adorable boyfriend squealed and ran towards his mom and sister, completely ditching his suitcase. I laughed softly as I grabbed the handle of his suitcase in the hand that wasn't pulling mine and followed after my baby. I watched as he clutched his little sister and mom tightly, as if he was not planning to let go for a while.

"Hello." I said as I sidled up next to the happy boy that I love. His mom turned to look at me and immediately embraced me like she had just done with Felix. I watched over her shoulder as we hugged, observing how Felix doted on his little sister, babying her and making her pout. I laughed as I watched them interact, finding it cute that Olivia had the same pout as her brother.

It was insane how much she had grown since we were last in Australia, and she was looking even more like Lix everyday, and also even more pretty. Mrs.Lee finally released me and patted my shoulder with a smile, examining my face closely. She was barely shorter than me, and I still couldn't believe her age, because she still looked so youthful.

"Changbin!" Olivia cheered, pushing away from her brother to embrace me. "I missed you!" She said, her voice sounding small and cute. I wrapped my arms around her as well and she laughed when I tickled her sides. She pulled out of the hug and playfully hit my chest, glaring at me with a telling smile.

"Come on boys, let's get to the car." Mrs.Lee said, and we followed her as she walked towards the doors. Listening to all the chatter around me, and the quiet conversation between the siblings next to me, I was glad Bokkie had been teaching me English for a while.


"Hyungie! Hurry I want to see the baby!" He exclaimed, his voice sounding unnecessarily urgent. I smiled at his excitement and followed him as he dragged me out of the back seat of the car and all the way to the door of the small and cute house.

The person who answered the door fit her house well, with a smaller height than both of Felix's other family members, and features similar to him and his sister. She looked a little bit tired, but it was still easy to tell who she was just based on her looks, even though I hadn't met her before. The last time we were in Australia, she had been on a school trip overseas.

"Felix! I can't believe you're finally here." She squealed quickly rushing past her mom and sister to envelope Lixeu. "You get to officially meet Adriel and see Seraphina today, and I get to officially meet Changbin." She said, looking at me with a scrutinizing expression.

After she stared at me enough to make me intimidated, she dragged Felix inside the house, his mom and sister following and me bringing up the rear. We walked inside and into an extremely neat living room, full of baby supplies. In the rocking chair sat an extremely handsome man who was holding a tiny little baby.

This was one of the only times I had seen such a young human, and it kind if freaked me out. Babies were so helpless and fragile that it gave me anxiety. Felix didn't seem to overthink like I was, and he rushed over to the handsome guy, bending down to get a closer look at the small child in the other's arms.

"Can I hold her?" Felix asked the man, who I assumed was Adriel. My boyfriend's voice and demeanor seemed to get even more soft and gentle when he was around his niece, and I loved sewing him like this.

Adriel nodded and stood up, letting Felix get situated in the rocking share before transferring the baby girl into the significantly smaller arms of Lixie. Felix immediately started to coo down at the child and you could tell just by looking at him how happy he was to be like this.

"Binnie! Come look, she opened her eyes!" Yongbok gushed, trying to stay quiet for the sake of the baby. I complied with Felix's words and walked over to kneel next to him like he had done before. I followed Felix's lead again as I looked down at the undeniably precious baby in the arms of my baby.

"She's cute, but I think you're cuter." I told him and he grumbled at me, but I could tell he liked it by the change of color in his freckled cheeks. I glanced at the small human again to see that she had, in fact, opened her tiny eyes and I could now see that she had the same hazel eyes as her dad. "She's beautiful, Rachel." I told Felix's older sister, a smile blooming on her tanned face as she watched me and Lix interact with the small child.

"I want one!" Felix squealed, leaning down to kiss his niece's tiny nose, one of his fingers clutched in the miniature hand of Seraphina. I gave him an admiring look, knowing that I would give that boy anything he asked for.


"You've been demoted to a pillow now, Changbin." Olivia teased me, looking back from the front seat of the car. I gave her a playful glare and Mrs.Lee laughed softly at our behavior and glanced at me and Felix in the rearview mirror. She gave me a smile and I looked down to the sleeping angel on my shoulder.

I leaned to kiss his head and Olivia gagged at my action. "Ewww, no PDA!" She said, turning around in her seat and crossed her arms, pretending to be angry. I rolled my eyes at her and stroked Felix head as we drove, excited to see Felix's house for the first time, since when we were here we only got to visit Chan Hyung's house.

We pulled into the driveway of a blue, two story home with a well kept yard and a pretty garden. I woke up Bokkie and he tiredly stumbled out of the car and into me. I caught him and held his waist to steady him. He gave me a tired smile. I bet now he was regretting staying up all night last night.

"I told you that you should have slept last night." I whispered in his ear and he whined, punching my chest while pouting. "I'm just kidding, angel, let's get inside." I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and let him lean into me heavily. With my free hand, I clutched my suitcase and backpack, before remembering that Felix had luggage, too.

I glanced back and saw Olivia grabbing Felix' things from the back of the car. I mouthed a thank you to her and she waved a hand dismissively at me, telling me it wasn't a big deal. Together we all followed their mom to the front door and waited on the porch for her to unlock the door.

Once we were all inside, Mrs.Lee instructed me to lay Felix down on the couch in the living room. I set my luggage next to Felix's, where Olivia had dropped it against the wall. With both of my hands now free, I lifted Felix up by the thighs, smiling as he clung to me even in his sleep.

Still holding my baby boy tightly, I walked over to the couch and tried to lay him down. Like he had done so many times before, he clung to me, pulling me lay with him. I decided not to fight him on it, knowing that it was easier for him to sleep when I was beside him.

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