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Felix' P.O.V 

"Binnie..." I said in a soft voice. He didn't respond so I moved closer and said his name again. He ignored me yet again. I rolled my eyes and moved way close enough to him, so that he could reach out and touch me. "Changbin." I said, this time a little louder.

He shivered and I smirked to think that I also had that affect on him, just like he had on me. "I know you hear me, and if you're mad about of what I think you're mad about then I think that's dumb. And very hypocritical." I told him, and he continued to ignore me, just sitting on the floor, holding what I realized was his black fluffy jacket. 

Well, I guess you could call it our jacket. He bought it a year ago and it's his favorite jacket. He lent it to me once when I forgot to wear a jacket, and after that I stole it a lot. This led to a lot of fans to wonder whose jacket it was. I had seen whole arguments about it on twitter. 

I returned my thoughts to Changbin, staring at his small but muscular frame slumped over. I don't think I had ever seen him that mad before then, and I started to feel bad but then I got an idea. I lowered myself down to the floor across from him, and stared at him. "Binnie look at me." I said in a pleading voice.

His eyes flicked up to me, still looking mad, but not as much as when I had come in here. "Hyung, can I have a kiss?" I said, tapping my cheek, playfully mocking myself from when we were still trainees. I saw him try to hide a smile, trying to keep his angry facade up as long as possible.

I smiled at him, knowing that I had somewhat succeeded in my mission. We sat there looking at each other for a long time before Jeongin burst through our door. We both whipped our heads toward the commotion to find a pajama wearing maknae in our doorway.

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" I.N asked sweetly, "Minho is in my room." He said, annoyed by his roommate's behavior. When Jisung said he needed to "blow off some steam" I didn't think he meant it like that.

I nodded to Jeongin, "You can sleep in my bed, I'm gonna play games for a bit." He just nodded sleepily, and climbed up into my bed. He fell asleep almost immediately.

I turned back to Binnie and decided to play some games to try to distract myself. I walked over and set up my three monitors. Yes, I realize that is a bit extreme, but oh well. I plugged in my headphones and put them on, submerging myself into my games.

I had played about 2 games, and I checked the time and it read 3:10 a.m. I decided that this game would be my last and tried to do my best to remember and not get sucked into a loop of "one more game".

I was 2 kills away from my record when I felt something on my shoulder and jumped in surprise, accidentally turning off the game. I groaned at my progress being lost and whipped my head around to see an amused Changbin.

I glared at him, but I couldn't stay mad at him for long. I tried to stand up, but he walked over and sat me back in my chair. I gulped loudly as he stood over me, looking very intimidating. "You need to sleep." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and carrying me to his bed.

He laid me down and then crawled over me to lay beside me. I turned toward him to see his face, but he turned me away from him and pulled me into his body. I shivered, and Binnie nuzzled into me, whispering in my ear, "Don't worry, I'll warm you up."

That sent more shivers through my body and I cursed myself for being so sensitive for him. He put his leg over me, holding me very securely, like I was his teddy bear. I smiled to myself and felt myself relax from just being next to him. My eyes fluttered shut and my breathing changed to match Bin's as I fell asleep to the thump of his heartbeat against my back.

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