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Felix' P.O.V(flashback)

*September 14th, 2019*

Today was Jisung's birthday, which meant that tomorrow was mine. We were both turning 20 in Korean age, and that meant we were adults. It also was the age of consent in Korea, which explained why Jisung and Minho have been missing ever since we arrived at the hotel.

None of us were surprised by their absence, they were probably doing inappropriate things in their hotel room.

I was excited for my birthday, I was already an adult in Australia, but not in Korea. I was sitting on my bed in the hotel. It was late, and we had just finished our rehearsal for the concert tomorrow. The other bed in the room belonged to Changbin, but he wasn't here.

I heard the door being opened and I looked down at my phone to see that it was 12:01. I was now officially an adult. I saw Chan carrying a small cake with lit candles.

The other boys were following him, surprisingly including Minho and Jisung. Jisung was walking with a slight limp, and was, unsurprisingly, covered in hickeys. Chan walked over to where I was sitting on the bed. Changbin was next to him, staring at me with an unfamiliar expression on his face.

The boys started to sing the familiar song. They finished it and I blew out the candles. They all cheered, and Changbin embraced me tightly. I felt his lips against my ear and he started whispering.

"Little Yongbokkie is a big boy now." He said, his husky voice sending shivers through me. "I know that you know what turning 20 means in Korea." He said and I could hear his smirk.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, slightly pushing. He got the hint and let go of me, clearing his throat. He looked me up and down and bit his bottom lip. I gulped loudly, getting lost in Changbin's eyes when he finally stopped checking me out.

I snapped out of it when a plate with a slice of cake was shoved into my hands. I looked down at it and grabbed the fork that it was impaled with. I lifted a bite up to my mouth and ate it.

Binnie walked up to me, and lifted his hand. He wiped my mouth with his finger and then put his finger in his mouth. I blushed and looked down. Changbin grabbed my fork and lifted some cake up to my mouth.

I opened my mouth and he shoved the fork in. I closed my mouth around it, and he pulled the fork out, leaving the cake in my mouth. He smiled at me, and I smiled fondly back at him.

I took my fork from his hand and I used it to get more cake. I lifted the utensil up to Binnie's mouth and he opened his mouth, taking the fork into it farther than he needed to. Keeping eye contact with me he pulled his mouth off, making a popping noise. He swallowed the cake and then slowing licked his lips, still not breaking eye contact.

I gulped again, watching him. He smirked at me, licking his lips again. I got another forkful of cake and put it by Binnie's mouth. He took it in his mouth, eating it again. The way he ate put less than innocent thoughts into my head.

I looked away and shook my head to try to get rid of them. The other boys were chatting and enjoying the cake. "Hey guys, I'm feeling tired, and we have a performance today, so I think it would be best if we all tried to get some rest." I announced, and they agreed.

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