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Felix' P.O.V

I woke up after having a dream of one of the hardest times in my life. I ran my hand over my arm, feeling the scars from those awful times. I was in such a dark place back then. I had only ever self harmed at two stages of my life, one was when I got eliminated from the survival show and the other was in the spring of last year. My members all saw my scars, but the only one that I talk to about it with is Chris.

My nickname that Changbin gave me means happiness, and he knows that I'm not always happy, but the nickname actually means that I make him happy. It always cheers me up when he calls me that. I always present myself as a bubbly playful person to the outside world, but I am a lot more serious in real life. I have bad thoughts about myself all the time, no matter how hard I try not to.

I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks, so I sat up and wiped my tears, trying not to wake up Binnie. It didn't work though, because I heard his blankets rustle and felt the bunk move a little. I saw his messy haired head poke out and he looked at me in a sad way. He climbed up into the bed next to me, wrapping his strong arms around me from the side and wiping my tears away.

He ran his hands through my messy pastel hair, nuzzling his face into my neck and whispering reassuringly in my ear. It felt nice to have him close. It reminded me of pre debut and the year after our debut. 2019 had been a hard year for both of us, and our feelings got very confusing.

As he was comforting me my thoughts wandered to when we were having a lot of troubles. I got jealous a lot in that time, and Changbin never noticed. That was the worst part. Binnie was so sweet to me, and he treated me differently than he treated the other members, but he wasn't very vocal about his feelings towards me.

I, on the other hand, was very vocal. Starting with the kiss at the Han river and from then on I had not exactly hidden my feelings. The members love to tease us, and Changbin gets upset, but that only makes them tease more.

We used to be so touchy, on and off screen, but now, because of the company rules and things we started to get in trouble for it. Now we aren't supposed to flirt or be as lovey in public, due to a lot of speculation by fans about our relationship. This led Changbin to have a lot of opportunities to flirt with other members.

"Yongbok," Changbin murmured in my ear, his voice, that was husky from sleep, sent shivers through my body. "What are you thinking?" He asked me, once again wiping my tears away gently.

"Just about the past." I said leaning my head on his. "Nothing serious." I assured him, but he didn't fully believe me, as he carefully grabbed my arms and started to rub the scars that marked my pale skin.

I shivered, but he continued. After a few minutes I had stopped crying and Changbin pulled me into his lap, holding me protectively. It felt so comfortable and I wished I could've stayed there forever.

My wish was quickly broken as our door flew open and Chan walked in. We both turned our heads to face him, and his expression softened when he saw that I had obviously been crying. "You've got him, right?" He asked Changbin, who nodded and gave me a little squeeze. I gave Chan a weak smile and he returned one.

"We're heading out to go eat, but why don't you guys stay here? I'll order you in some chicken." He said, causing both Binnie and I to nod. He walked out, shutting the door behind him softly. I turned to Changbin, having to look down slightly, due to our height difference. He gave me a sad look, and reached up to touch my damp face.

"Yongbok, you know I love you right?" He asked wiping my tears away. I looked down, not wanting to answer. "I guess I'll just have to show you more then, huh?" He said, a mischievous look taking over his handsome face.

"My little haengbokkie" He said in a baby voice, causing me to laugh. He then started to tickle me, causing me to squeal and try to twist out of his grip. He, being much stronger than me, had no problem easily pinning me down to tickle me more. I was gasping for breath and begging him to stop, so he finally did.

He smiled down at me as we heard the front door open and close, signaling that we were alone, which made our current position feel a little less innocent. He was straddling my waist, shirtless, holding both of my wrists in the air with one of his hands, while his other hand was on my chest.

His facial expression changed from playful to something else as he looked down at me. I looked up at him, our stares so intense that we got completely lost, and before we knew it the doorbell rang. Binnie jumped in surprise, hitting his head on the ceiling. I quickly sat up and cradled his head feeling to make sure there was no bumps or blood.

"Who's gonna get it?" He asked, referencing the delivery food. We both glanced down, realizing we were both only half clothed. Changbin, being the one wearing pants, was silently picked to get the door. He walked out, giving me the perfect view of his back muscles.

After his muscles were out of view and I could focus, I threw on some shorts in case the other members came back while we were eating. I didn't want them getting the wrong idea.

I walked out to the living room to see Binnie getting drinks and setting our food on the table. I took this chance to once again check him out. I snapped out of it when he waved his hand in front of me with a satisfied smirk on his lips.

I playfully pushed his chest, really just wanting to feel the hard muscle under his soft skin. We both walked over and started to eat, occasionally "accidentally" brushing against each other, making us both blush. That little routine continued until we were full.

I started to clean up the garbage and things while Bin walked over to the couch and grabbed the remote. "Lixie, what do you wanna watch?" He asked turning to look at me. I poked my head around the wall, still cleaning up.

"Anything is fine." I answered, making him shrug and turn back to the TV. I finished up cleaning and walked over to the living room. I looked at Binnie and got an idea. "Be right back!" I said, excitedly running into our room and grabbing the blanket that I stole from him during the survival show off of my bed. I still couldn't sleep without it.

I walked back out to the living room, Binnie lifting his head when he saw me enter. He let out a little laugh and rolled his eyes at me. I jumped on him, causing him to let out a gasp and then a groan. He wrapped his arms around me and flipped me, so that my butt was in his lap, but I was laying face up on the couch. He looked down at me thoughtfully before saying, "Is that my shirt?"

I laughed before saying "No silly! It's our shirt." I said pointing at him then me. He rolled his eyes again before grabbing the hem of it.

"I think you'd look better without it." He said, going to pull it up. I put my hands on his to stop him and gave him a look that I know he got, as I'd given it before. "Okay, okay." He said raising his hands in surrender.

"What did you pick?" I asked him, trying to change the subject. He got what I was trying to do and went along with it. He laid down behind me on the couch, his solid chest pressing against my spine and making me feel all warm and comfy. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over the two of us, increasing the warm and snuggly atmosphere.

He grabbed the remote and pressed play on an American show he had been watching to improve his English skills. I smiled at how cute he was, and he wrapped his arms around me securely. I felt so relaxed, and as soon as he snuggled into my neck I was drifting off to sleep.

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