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Felix' P.O.V

"Angel, wake up." I heard and my eyes fluttered open. I saw Changbin leaning over me and realized that I had fallen asleep in the bus on the way to the variety show we were appearing on. A smile grew on my face and I made grabby hands at Binnie.

Bin smiled and lifted me up. "I can't carry you out of the bus, everyone will see us and we'll get in trouble." He murmured, leaving kisses in my neck. I sighed, but still nodded, knowing Binnie was right. Not that I'd ever tell him this, but Binnie was almost always right.

"But I want my Binnie to carry meeee!" I whined in a aegyo voice. I felt Binnie move his hand and pinch my ass. I squeaked and hit the back of his head, making him simultaneously wince and laugh. Bin set me down right before the door to the bus and then we walked out.

The other guys were waiting for us outside with our stylists and a few bodyguards. Our manager started ushering us inside, and we followed, chatting amongst ourselves. We were lead inside the building and into a dressing room to get ready.

We already had our outfits on, but we had to get our hair and makeup done. I did especially, since my hair was disastrous from my nap on the way over. "Felix, come over here, please." One of the stylist noona's said, gesturing to one of the chairs situated in front of a mirror. She got to work on my hair while I played on my phone.


We had all gotten our hair and makeup done and were waiting for our cue to go onto the set. This was our first time on this particular variety show, because it was pretty well known and hard to get invited to.

We heard our entrance cue and walked out in age order. I followed Jisung out onto the set, walking to the seat assigned to me. Even though it's unrealistic, I couldn't help but wish I was sitting next to Binnie.

We all introduced ourselves starting with Chan hyung. When it got to Changbin's turn he introduced himself as the "Binsual" and did some aegyo. The other guys cringed and Jisung grabbed my arm to hold me back from hugging Binnie and telling him how cute he was.

We continued the show and it went smoothly until they asked us to show them something to earn a prize. They asked all to do different things and Binnie's was to do a rap with provided words. Bin wasn't that great at freestyles and he messed up a lot and got shy.

The MCs started making fun of Binnie, who looked like he might cry, and let's just say that I lost it. I started screaming, half in Korean and half in English. I ran at the MCs, ready to put my black belt to use and not thinking about the consequences.

I felt myself getting pulled back, my feet kicking in the air as I screamed more curses in various languages. I continued to try and pry the hands off, but the person holding me was way stronger than me. "Let me go!" I shouted, still trying to escape.

The person who was holding me flipped me around and I saw that it was Binnie. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me offset as I continued to hurl the worst insults I could think of. "Binnie! Put me down, I need to show them what happens to people who mess with my man!"

Changbin didn't listen and he walked me to the dressing room. He shut and locked the door behind us, putting me down on a chair and kneeling in front of me. He reached up and cupped my cheek as I started to cry, realizing that I had just ruined the show for all the other guys. If word got out about what had happened, I might get into trouble with JYP and not be able to go on shows with everyone else.

"You don't need to defend me, angel." He murmured and stroked my cheek, wiping away the tears that had fallen there. "I was fine, I'm used to this kind of thing." He reassured me, but that just made me more upset.

"You shouldn't have to be used to it. Nobody should ever be rude to you, especially not people who are supposed to act like professionals!" I ranted, feeling my face heat up with anger. Changbin nuzzled his head into my tummy, snuggling me from his place between my legs.

"No one gets away with hurting my baby." I growled, running my hands through his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist, getting comfy, despite currently being on the floor. "My baby is so handsome and talented. He is incredibly talented and he should never let anyone tell him otherwise!" I said, lifting his head up so we made eye contact.

He looked sad and I hated seeing him sad. If I felt this bad just seeing him looking upset, I can't imagine how he feels when I get super depressed. As soon as I started to think about that, tears filled my eyes again.

Terrible thoughts ran through my head, all degrading me. They told me I wasn't good enough for Binnie. Whispered that he deserved someone smarter, and prettier, someone who could give him the family he wanted, someone who he wouldn't always have to worry about, someone that wasn't so unstable.

Once the tears spilled over, they couldn't seem to stop. I whimpered and sobs escaped my body. Binnie's eyes widened in alarm and he moved his arms to hold me tightly, burying my face in his chest. My body heaved with every sob as I soaked the front of Changbin's shirt with the neverending onslaught of tears.

"Shhhh, angel." Binnie murmured, caressing from the top of my head to the nape of my neck. "What's wrong, Bokkie? Please tell me what I can do to help you." He said, picking me up and pivoting to sit in the chair with me on his lap.

"Just hold me, Binnie!" I choked out between my sobs, burying my face in his neck. He nodded and tighened his grip on my waist, pulling me impossibly close. My arms moved to wrap around his neck, clinging to him.

"I will always hold you, Bokkie." He murmured, placing short kisses on the top of my head. "Thank you for caring about me and defending me." He whispered in my ear, his fingers drawing small circles on my skin where my shirt had ridden up.

I shivered against him and he ran his hands under my shirt and all the way up my spine. His hand were warm against my skin, and the comforting motion made me calm and sleepy, despite already having napped today. He continued to whisper in my ear, muttering things that made my heart flutter.


"I'm so sorry that happened today, boys." Channie hyung said, placing his hand on my shoulder to look me in the eyes. He must have noticed how puffy they were from crying, because then he pulled me into his chest. "We'll never go back there, okay?" He said quietly and I gave him a small nod in return.

He released his grip on me and I went over to Jisung's room, knowing that Changbin and Chan had gone to work out after I was calm enough for him to leave me with the other guys. Jisung's door was slightly ajar, so I knew that (surprisingly) him and Minho weren't doing anything dirty.

"Hey, Sungie..." I said to the boy, who was at his desk, writing something, presumably lyrics. He set his pen down and spun around in his desk chair to face me. He looked extremely tired and I felt bad for bothering him.

"I was just wanting to spend some time with my squirrel." I said, walking over and plopping myself on his desk. He rolled his eyes at the name and I ruffled his hair.

"What would you like to do?" He asked me and I thought about it.

"Let's go get something to eat!" I said, clapping my hands excitedly. He smiled and nodded, closing the notebook and sliding it away from him. He stood up and and I hopped off of the desk.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked, but I didn't have a preference, so I told him to choose. "Let's just go to that ramen place around the corner." He suggested and I agreed, grabbing his hand as he dragged me out of his room.

"Bye hoes! We're going to get ramen!" Jisung shouted at the four boys in the living room. They all looked away from the TV for three seconds before shrugging and continuing to watch their show. "Whatever, just tell Chan and Changbin where we went so they don't think we got kidnapped or something." Jisung said and Hyunjin gave him a dismissing thumbs up.

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