chapter eight

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The next day, my joy knew no bounds when I found out that the king and queen were travelling along with Nylah to king Quan's kingdom. I did not need a prophet to tell me why Noe was not going. He was going to help me out and I could not be more grateful.
As soon as I made sure that the whole place was safe, I went to meet Noe in the library. He smiled at me and we got to work immediately. I found a book on earth power and they explained the basics and fundamental rules about it. It was stated in the book that the only way I could excel was to start practicing on small dead flowers then, I should start increasing the sizes until finally I would be able to bring a dead tree back to life.
There was also something interesting in the book that I showed to Noe. It was written that earth powers were not all about flowers and trees, it was also about rocks sand and every other thing that made up the earth. It was so fun to find out that I could also conjure up stones in my defense whenever I was being attacked probably in a battle or whatever.
I could also make a sand volcano and other cool stuff. But that could only happen after I was already a professional at the basic things. Noe promised that we were going to start training during this period when the palace was free.
The next thing we started looking for was a book on healing powers. We searched all over, but we could not find any. The only thing we found on healing was that a particular goddess named Navistar possessed the power and she did not just have that one power, she had earth, ice, fire, air, teleportation, conjuring up things she imagined, water and all other powers that the world has to offer. It was written there that we all descended from her. I figured out that she was our ancestor.
Well, that was practically little information on healing but then Noe turned to me with wide eyes and said "Mel, I think we just found only two out of all your powers. You know when we found out that you had earth and healing powers, I was surprised because nobody has ever possessed two powers, not even the king". I sat down and processed the whole thing and I had just one question.
Did I also have all the powers Navistar had?

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