chapter Twenty

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In the dungeon, Melina had a blank look on her face. the whole place was just stuffy and dark. Cobwebs were hanging in every corner. She wanted to react; tell the king that she hated him. She wanted to lash out and use her powers but, something stopped her from doing so. She knew Noe would come for her. She knew he would save her.
As she laid down on the cold hard floor to get some sleep because she was exhausted, tears fell from her eyes.
It started raining.

The next morning, Olivia went to her daughter's room to activate her next plan. Since Melina was already in prison, the only thing left was to put the rest of the family there with her and take over the kingdom.
She started hearing voices from her brother's library and she tiptoed to the door to hear what the conversation was all about. When she got nearer to the door, she realized that there was a hot argument going on between the king and his family.
Noe and Nylah were demanding from their father that he should release Melina but, the king was just getting angry. "I can see that the little witch has finally succeeded in bewitching the two of you! Very soon, she will bewitch everyone in this palace! Well, I shall not allow myself to fall for her charms and I will take quick actions to make sure that she is executed quickly!"
Noe saw red when he heard the last statement his father uttered "Father, you will do no such thing! I will not allow you to lay your hands on my sister! You may not think of her as a daughter but, she is my own little sister and she will always be. I promised myself that I will always take care of her and protect her from any danger including you!" The queen was silent as the whole thing was happening.
King Arthur was bewildered and wanted to talk when Nylah also spoke up "Father, you have brainwashed me for the twenty years that I have been living! I will not allow myself to be used as a puppet anymore. You thought me to hate my younger sister! You thought me to use her as a slave just because of what?! Because she does not have any powers?! I am going to stand by Noe and protect my younger sister no matter what. I will not allow you and that stupid sister of yours with her godforsaken daughter hurt my sister anymore!" The king did not talk, he just stormed out of the room. Noe and Nylah went out after him into the garden.
As the king and the children left, queen De'arra pondered over what the children said. She knew she had been a bad mother. She treated Melina like she was not human because she did not have any power. She did not have the mind to talk back or question her husband whenever he took rash decisions about Melina. She watched people from different places torture her as they pleased. She turned her own daughter into a slave in her own house. She knew in her heart that even if she tried to make up for the things she did to Melina, she would never forgive her. She left the library with a heavy heart.
Before the king came out of the library, Olivia had already gone back to Ashley's room. she could not believe that her plans were already falling into place. She wanted enmity in the family so that, she would be able to penetrate easily and it looked like that had already happened.
Noe and Nylah started their discussion. Noe told her all about how they found out that Melina had powers, how they felt that she was related to Navistar, how he thought Melina was the one in the prophecy and how he already trained her on how to use her powers. Nylah sat there speechless. She was so happy that Melina had all those powers because she felt that she had suffered too much for her not to have any power.
"Noe, I have a very important question. How come Ashley has the powers? Something is very fishy and weird in this place. Don't you think so?". Noe nodded and also spoke "yes, I know and I am going to get to the bottom of it. But for now, let us go and visit Melina in the dungeon and you can apologize to her and all that stuff".

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