chapter twelve

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As both kings got back to Aztar, they ate, rested and slept. When they freshened up, they called the two queens and discussed the events of where they went with them. None of the queens could speak because each wished that the girl in the prophecy could be her daughter. They proposed a plan to create a tournament and it will involve the young females in Lasantha and Aztar kingdom. They were going to give them certain tasks to do to see if there was going to be anything out of the ordinary.
King Arthur sent out a messenger to Lasantha kingdom to pass the information to all the young females. Of course, Melina was not even aware of all these things. They did not even consider her as a human being.
The tournament was set to start in the next three days. It was going to last for just a day. Every female, on hearing the news, became very desperate. Some started seeking out powers that were not even there. Some even started feeling important and started misbehaving to their parents. Some threw all their close friends away and they started claiming that they were not on the same levels. Everyone was going crazy for a power which they did not have.
Olivia heard the news and went on a journey to seek out an evil wizard. She really wanted Ashley to be given the glory. She was very lucky because the wizard gave her a potion to give to her daughter. He claimed that if she drank it, she would have more than one power. Olivia went back to Lasantha and briefed Ashley about the whole thing. Ashley took the potion and acted funny for a few minutes after which, she came back to her normal self. By the time her mother looked in her eyes, she knew that she was already very powerful.
Olivia made her daughter's hair and groomed her so that she was going to look very beautiful during the tournament. She also trained her, and they saw that she already had fire, water, ice, earth and healing powers. She was the perfect candidate for the prophecy.

Things were getting really funny.

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