Chapter forty

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Melina’s POV
I woke up and I was still feeling a bit sleepy. I took a look at the clock and turned back to sleep. I jumped up with a start after realising that two weeks had already passed and I had to be at Lycania. Funny thing was that; I was already running late.
“Crap”, I thought as I hurried and did my business. I was ready in about twenty minutes. I told the servants to pack my breakfast up as I already had plans that I was going to eat in the car. I did not really dress flamboyantly; it was just casual. Very soon, we were on our way. I had my breakfast and I did not even know when I fell asleep.

Xavier’s POV
I heard the gates opening and I knew that Melina had arrived. I went out with my beta to welcome them. I expected Melina to come out of the car but, nobody came out. Her driver came over to me and smiled sheepishly “sir, the princess is um asleep and I do not want to wake her up”. I smiled and walked to the car. There was no way I would allow her sleep in the car all day. I opened the door and I did a very crazy thing, yes, I lifted her up gently into my arms and carried her. I walked into the palace that way. I could see that a lot of my workers and servants were shocked because, I had never done anything like that before in my life. I took her into her room. Funny how I said “her room” like she was living here and that was her permanent room. She looked so calm and peaceful as she slept. I laid her on the bed gently so as not to wake her up. I felt somehow putting her on the bed because I just wanted her in my arms. I sighed as I realised I was drifting again. I thought to myself again “you know what Xavier, just give this mate thing a chance”.
She snuggled closer to the pillow and sighed in content. I smiled at how cute she was. I then closed the door gently and walked out of the room.

Melina’s POV
I felt something soft and warm. I opened my eyes and realised that I was on a bed. “ wait, bed?” I shot up instantly and realized that I was in the room I slept in the last time I came over to lycania kingdom. “how in heavens did I get here?” because, I remembered that I fell asleep in the car. I stood up and walked out of the room. I managed to see a servant along the hallway and I asked the servant to take me to Xavier. I was taken into the dining hall where Xavier was sitting, typing something on his phone. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked so handsome, I had to stop myself from gushing. I dragged a chair out and sat. it was then he noticed my presence. “you are awake”, he said. I nodded and then opened my mouth “can I ask a question?” he raised his eyebrows and said yes. “do you know how I got into the room?” he laughed out loud and said he was going to tell me how.” You see, when you arrived here, you walked out of the car and you were sleepwalking and sleep talking.  We did not know what was going on and we watched you as you entered the palace and made your way into the room”. I watched him with a look of horror and I felt embarrassed. When he saw my face, his laughter increased and trust me, that was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. “your face looks priceless”, he said. “Anyway, I was just kidding, I carried you into the room”. Even though he said it casually, I blushed like a fool. The thought of Xavier carrying me in his arms looked so beautiful, I could not help but blush. I tried talking and I ended up stuttering. Xavier smirked and I could tell that he was enjoying himself.
“I had been waiting for you to come and eat, I did not want you to eat all by yourself”. “That was very thoughtful of you”, I said. We dug in and in about thirty minutes, we were done. I was so full, I found it difficult to stand up. “That was so delicious, thank you Xavier”. He smiled and talked “you are welcome Melina”.
Xavier asked me what I wanted to do next because, he was very sure that sleeping was definitely not part of it. I just told him that I wanted to watch a movie. I pointed to the lights and with a flick of my fingers, they went off. Xavier looked surprised because, that was the first time I ever used my powers in front of him. “whoa, cool”. I laughed and sat down. The movie lasted for about two hours.
Afterwards, I stood up to go to bed and then Xavier called me. I turned to look at him and wondered what he wanted to say. “I um know that you are supposed to return back to Lasantha tomorrow but, I was wondering if you will like to stay one more day. We could um go round the kingdom and just check out some things”. I had never seen Xavier stutter physically. The only time I witnessed it was during that phone call. He looked agitated as he was saying it “you do not have to say yes you know. I will totally understand”. I raised my eyebrows and replied “of course I would love to. I will just call the palace and tell them I will be extending my stay”. Xavier’s smile was priceless. He offered to follow me to the room. When we got to the door he waved and I waved back.
As soon as I got into the room, I sent a quick message to my parents, telling them that I would be staying longer than usual.
Lying down in bed later that night, I could not help but think about what was going to happen the next day.
Crazy huh?

Omdssss Xavier is falling!
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