Chapter Thirty three

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Melina’s POV
Does Xavier even know that I am his mate? I wondered. I looked at myself and started thinking if I was good enough for him or if he would accept me. I could not wait to go to his kingdom in the next two weeks and see those eyes again. I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face because I knew I was falling for Xavier.

Xavier’s POV
I woke up the next morning and all the events of the previous day flooded my mind. “What was I thinking? I freaking told King Arthur that Melina could stay in my palace? That means that she will be around me”. I felt so confused because as much as I needed to have her around me, I did not want to because I did not trust any woman. Do not blame me for that, my very own mother caused it. I promised myself that I will try my possible best to avoid her, her very perfect smile and her very perfect voice. I went into the bathroom, had my bath, dressed up in casual clothes and went to see to my pack duties.
The thought of Melina did not cross my mind again until I picked a call thirteen days later.

Melina’s POV
for the next twelve days, I was feeling immeasurable happiness. Truth be told, I just wanted to see Xavier, look into his eyes, hear his voice and see his smile. I was already a lost cause on his matter and I did not care. I was supposed to leave for Lycania in two days and I felt it would make sense if I called Xavier and reminded him about our plan. My heart was beating fast as I picked up the phone to dial his number. He left it when he came over. The phone was picked up after the third ring. As I heard that deep baritone voice, I sucked in my breath. I quickly got a hold of myself and spoke “hello, it is me Melina, I just wanted to remind you that I will be arriving in Lycania in two days’ time”. I felt stupid because I rushed everything out when I was supposed to talk gently. I only heard him say “yes I am aware, we would be expecting you” and then, he cut the call.
If stupid was a person, it would be me.

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