chapter four

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Her name is Olivia. I know, such a beautiful name for such a terrible personality. She has two children, a boy and a girl. Her daughter's name was Ashley while her son was Naveen. Her son was the same age with Noe and Nylah. She made it her job to always compare me to her daughter who was the same age with me. She would always talk about how Ashley had air powers like my mother while I didn't have any.
Ashley on the other hand was a very proud stuck up snob who felt like the world was created only for her. The party started later that evening and it wasn't going to end until the next morning. I was just preparing to go back to the attic when a thought popped in my head;
"Melina, they are all going to be so busy in the palace hall and people will not be around, why not explore a little bit?
I thought about where I was going to start exploring and I chose the palace library. I needed answers to why I didn't have any powers and the library was the only place I could find it.
I crept slowly towards the library and opened the door gently. I had never been in it before and trust me, it was so big. I didn't know where to start looking but later, I chose a shelf. The only books that were there were on how to harness your power and tame it. I looked around some more and I didn't find anything relating to lost powers.
I also found some books on some very strong people back in the days who had the ability to conjure anything they thought about. I was very surprised because I didn't even know that such a power existed. I read some more about it and saw that it was a woman that was the last person who had such power and it had never been heard of again. I just shrugged and returned the book back in place.
I was so disappointed and as I turned to go back to the attic, I caught sight of a piece of very small brown paper which looked so old. I picked it up and saw that it was only the top part that was there and what I could read was;
"At a certain time, a girl will be born"
And that was all. I was so disappointed, but I still tucked the piece of paper into the pocket of my very tattered gown. I went back into the attic and the only thing that was on my mind before I fell asleep were the things written on that little piece of paper.

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