chapter ten

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Meanwhile in king Quan's kingdom, king Arthur, queen De'arra and Nylah were having a swell time. On getting there, they greeted the queen of Aztar kingdom who was known by the name; Andrea. They were also shown to their different extravagant rooms. After the arrangement of their luggage, king Quan sent servants to fetch them for dinner. They were served roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, new cheese, apricots and new wine. King Arthur marveled at the deliciousness of the food and thanked his friend for it. The two queens and Nylah went to a room in the palace and started discussing about women things.
When the men were all alone, king Quan began to speak. "Arthur, I stumbled upon a particular prophecy and I want to show it to you. Let us go into my study so that we would not be disturbed". They both went into the study and locked the door behind them. King Arthur sat down and waited in patience as Quan rumbled about and brought out a brown paper from a folder. "Here", he said as he handed it over to Arthur.
"At a certain time, a girl will be born"
"Mother of all, last of the three"
"Destined to have powers stronger than any that the world has ever seen"
Arthur looked thoughtful as he tried to understand the meaning of the prophecy. They were both silent and tried processing it.
Quan turned to Arthur and said, "I met with the wise one". The wise one was a man gifted with powers to see beyond every other person. He was a very old man with extremely white hair." He told me that the girl mentioned in this prophecy is in the generation of our children. I tried to ask him who it was exactly but, he told me something that left me in a mystery".
"something not known to all"
Seems very far, but is under your very nose"
"Arthur, he also told me that there are two copies of this prophecy. That was where he left a hint. He told me that the person is from the place where the second piece of paper is". They both started thinking about it and, only one question was left.
Where was the second piece of paper?

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