Naruto x Tsunade

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Naruto's POV
"Tsunade-chan sure is a looker with the amazing features and great bod to boot..I guess being a wielder sure has some cool effects on the both of us hehe so I think it's better than I thought it would have been.. seeing her happy as can be.. it made me feel warm and fuzzy in the inside out.. I just wanted to be loved as well as acknowledged and the four women had just did that..that's why I am so fortunate.. to be with these gorgeous ladies.." says Naruto in his mind..let's see what is Tsunade's thoughts on the matter..

Tsunade's POV  "Damn he's not just any clan heir just for show he's not just any clan heir just for his status and he's not just any clan heir just for his own style

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Tsunade's POV
"Damn he's not just any clan heir just for show he's not just any clan heir just for his status and he's not just any clan heir just for his own style.. position and prowess..but because of his compassion and his own way of making the impossible to be possible to do..his unpredictability and intelligence in battle strategies accompanied by his cunningness is something worthy of praise and recognition.. also he has those beautiful eyes that can see through your facade and can change into something more powerful "Eternal Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan"which can shit any pants or cause fear on those pitiful souls who trash talk him.."
Said Tsunade.. And she also added to her own train of thoughts.. "Aren't I so fortunate for this time I had a great experience with Naruto-sama my handsome Hokage/husband-to-be- I admit that he looks kinda sexy in his battle suit (Younger Minato version)..with the most amazing ocean-blue eyes and shining shimmering splendid golden blonde hair that is glossy and shining on the brightest part of day the sun ☀️ is always up.... It makes me fuzzy inside and out..for he's just drop dead gorgeous and sexy in my eyes and I am very lucky to have him with me today.." added Tsunade..

No one's POV
Afterwards the two lovers were enjoying the festivities and to celebrate his birthday as well..they currently were in a mall in the northern part of the village and the proprietor were not ready to see the "Child of the Prophecy and the hottest Hokage together.. as he was really shocked at this point..Well let's go see what is his thoughts are..

Mr.Yamaguchi's POV
"A-aren't those two the greatest heroes of the Fourth and Fifth Great Shinobi War..why are they here..OMK it's Lord Naruto's that's why.. I guess I just got even luckier..hehehehe Ryo here I come.." He thought..and so he said to his employees to be at their best because of his guests were not just any other people..but the current Hokage and the "Hero of the Fourth and Fifth Great Shinobi War" himself..

No one's POV
The proprietor was really happy to see a god and a goddess in one place enjoying his birthday party..and he's buying her anything she wants..from bracelets to earrings..necklaces or even bangles with lots of pearls and diamonds 💎 that sparkle ❇️ when it is directed to the sunlight..from one of the jewelry stores in the mall..(Yamaguchi-Tomigaoka SuperMalls)..

Naruto's POV
"I am happy that she is enjoying herself as a young woman who acts as an adult but at the same time young at heart ❤️..She's definitely gorgeous and sophisticate with earrings and necklace hanging in her neck and sparkles ✨ beautifully.. and I don't mind buying her things that she can wear for a long time..just seeing her smile is enough to make my tiredness pass away.. and I love her too so why not..".. Naruto-sama thought while holding Tsunade's hands while window shopping.. and it makes him very glad to spend time with his "Hokage/"wife-to-be""..

Tsunade's POV
"He's holding my hand kyaahh I'm so happy I'm fangirling right now Hihi" .. she thought..And they're currently eating together and he shows how sweet he was by feeding her with the food they had ordered.. "OMK he's so sweet..Gosh he's feeding me here it's embarrassing to be at the center of attention..(Ladies were having hearts in their eyes and the gentlemen were clapping seeing their idol feeding Lady Hokage..).. But it's worth it because seeing their reactions it makes me feel sexy and delicate at the same time..*kisses him and tastes the sauce in his lips* .. That's the most delicious sauce I've ever tasted 😋😆😉🥰😍 time we're going to do it again..but it's us four alone.." she winks..making him look at her and chuckles at her own moments..

"Damn he's not just any good man he's a god and a handsome god like that.. He's not just any simple-minded guy..he's romantic and at the same rate very ruthless in battles and he's winning .. and at the slightest moment you blink..You're lucky if you don't get crushed by him.. he's something I want in a man.. loyal ..strong and is willing to do everything for his girl..He's the coolest god I could ask for.. and I love him..just like how much he loves me too..well I guess it's okay to hug him because he's all mine right now haha 😆..I've got to give the gods above some credit for giving us an Adonis of a god and a strong man at that..Let's see how much he really wants me..*flirts with him* Naruto-sama do you like what you see *asking seductively*..*lip bites*..(Naruto just blushes..but he didn't faint from a blood loss)..This seems enough hihihi..he really wants me..I'm so happy kyahhh!!!"... "Later you're going to be in heaven with the four of us hehehehe 😏😈😋👉🏻👌👅💦 better get ready because we are going all out on your own challenge babe~ *kiss his neck nibbling them making him moan a bit and she just enjoys teasing him seeing his face blush crimson red..* You better be ready honey"..thought Tsunade..

Naruto's POV
"I think I will definitely get wearing down a peg hehe better be at tip top shape for they're not just kidding..Even Tsunade-chan is really good at seduction and she made my dick go erect hehe 😜..." he thought..

No one's POV
Let's see what is going to happen as we get to the next chapter of the story..see you soon guys and enjoy your day..Fighting 👌👌👌

Disclaimer: I own nothing any of these it belongs to their respective owners and Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.. but the story line is all mine..all rights reserved..

Naruto x Tsunade x Erza x Mei x Kurumi (Fem Kurama) x Kurenai x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now