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Author's POV

I am really sorry for the delay but I need to strengthen my immune system to my fullest extent because I don't want to be infected with COVID-19 or maybe not be able to walk or stand up once again and I hate that.. for now here's a new chapter of my story 😊 enjoy..

Naruto's POV
"Ugh man what a day I definitely felt sore today I hope I can have some rest after the daily missions I take..I haven't been able to get some decent sleep and I'm so tired right now.. I love my work  a lot because of the adrenaline rush and the exhilaration of large-scale battles but with lack of sleep I can be sluggish at times..So please don't disturb me if there's nothing important to do.. I felt like I need to get some sleep and earn some real shuteye for once.." says Naruto in his thoughts..

Erza's POV
"Shh Tsunade-chan don't wake him up for he needs some replenishment due to the tiresome missions the Hokage is assigning him (BTW the new Hokage is Uchiha Itachi (Karasu) (Weasel-nii) ) and after all he noticed that less competent Shinobis and the villagers had requested Naruto-kun to take over and accomplished their own missions.. but the price to pay is the strain in his eyes and it's painful although he can't bleed due to Amaterasu .. he still needs to be at the top that's why he must have at least 8 hours of sleep.." says Erza..

Tsunade's POV
*In her mind* : ("I will have a talk with Itachi after this ruckus is done..poor Naruto-sama.. don't worry baby we will be here for you..").. "Sure Erza-chan I will not disturb him but are you sure Kurumi Ahri won't take advantage of the situation hmm~.."..

Erza's POV pt.2
"She won't be doing that because Naruto-kun would be aroused and he won't be able to sleep well..Kurumi is a trusted sister and she is going to be in his mindscape for a while and you know how long she sleeps right.." Erza answers Tsunade..

Tsunade's POV pt. 2
"Oh yeah you're right she won't wake up unless Naruto-sama releases her and she loves to take a long nap so she won't disturb him because it seriously annoys him and it disrupts his sleeping patterns.." She agreed to Erza..

Naruto x Tsunade x Erza x Mei x Kurumi (Fem Kurama) x Kurenai x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now