Chapter #18

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Author's POV

And I'm back in business and I'm back in the game guys thank you so much for your support and your continuous voting for the story.. Sorry for the delay though because Author-sama needs to be active again to be back in his tip top shape anyways enough ranting here's the new chapter of the story of mine..

Naruto's POV
"Well it's the End season and I'm back to Epic but I'm sure I will definitely be enjoying destroying cancerous players again hahahahaha I hope that I can play with Erza Mei Kurumi and Tsunade again although Hinata-chan is also playing this MOBA (GM Rank) I will be carrying my team again this time.. the whole season is going to be awesome and I'm sure they know whose the best player in town..Let's see what the others are doing right now..

Kurenai's POV
"Right now I am playing his game as well haha 😂 and I'm in the Mythical Glory rank but since it's the end season I am back to Epic and my "Naru-kun" is playing too but he's not with my teammates right now.." Btw let's see what the other ladies are doing now..

Tsunade's POV
"I'm cooking a sumptuous and hearty breakfast with love for my "Hokage/husband-to-be" that's so focused on ranking up to Mythical Glory again I am happy for his success in everything and I am sure that he'll become more successful in the upcoming weeks.." Let's see what they're going on right now..

Kurumi Ahri's POV
"I'm waiting for him and going to smother him with kisses or fuck him senseless hehehehe anyways I am sleeping in his beautiful mindscape filled with flowers and kits around my surroundings.." And now let's toss it over to Mei ..she's outside btw..

Mei's POV
" I play sports to keep my figure and make Naruto-kun fuck me harder hihi because as the "future Mrs. Uchiha" I should be focusing on being sexy inside and out so I'm going to be maintaining my hotness with this regimen of different types of sports in order for me to perspire and cool down myself from the intense heat my body emits.." Right now Mei is playing basketball and she's actually pretty good at it and sometimes challenges Erza to a one on one.. At most Erza wins but she's not far behind..(RIP Kobe Bryant Black Mamba #24).. Mei's figure is something to die for makinig Sakura jealousy rise higher.. thinking..

Inner Sakura's POV
"Cha that should be me being fucked by Naruto-sama not that redhead anyways I don't mind I'll just focus on my own training so that my "man" will be noticing my hot body hehehe Naruto-sama you're all mine you hear me mine"..Sakura's thoughts tells her..

Sakura's POV
" My inner is right that should be me the "hottest" Kunoichi ever but now I'm going to focus on my own training regimen so that my "baby" will be looking my way.."

Naruto x Tsunade x Erza x Mei x Kurumi (Fem Kurama) x Kurenai x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now