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To save her father, she married to a poor guy who hauled bricks for a living. However, five days later, people found out that the guy was actually a billionaire.
At last, he was back!
Fan Hunjun couldn't help but take a deep breath when he exited the train station and took in the oh-so-familiar streets.
His seven-year-long journey drifting around overseas was finally at an end.
His present self had not just returned home with riches and power. He was also here for revenge on all those who had bullied him, looked down upon him, discriminated against him, and even framed him. He was here to enact his vengeance upon them.
No matter who it was, as long as they owed him, he would be there to collect their debts!
In order to clearly ascertain the debtees' hideous, ugly faces and mouths, Fan Hunjun hid his status as a person whose wealth was enough to rival a nation's. Prior to taking the train back to his hometown, he bought himself a full set of cheap clothing.
The first thing he did upon his return was to look for that unscrupulous intermediary from all those years ago.
Fan Hunjun stepped out of the train station, but just as he was about to walk toward the public transport station nearby, a red Ferrari zoomed past him and abruptly stopped by the side of the road.
When Fan Hunjun walked past the car, the driver's window rolled down to reveal an unfathomably beautiful face looking to the side at him. The person took off her sunglasses and gasped in astonishment. "Thoughtless Hun?"
Fan Hunjun turned in the direction of the voice to see, and similarly gasped in astonishment as well. "Fang Youqin?"
"Is it really you? You look pretty scruffy there. I thought I was mistaken." Fang Youqin shook her head. "Get in!"
Fang Youqin was also known as River City's golden darling. She was one of the school's Twin Star Beauties in the past along with Li Shanshan. When they walked together on campus, they were Luo Tianyi and Yuezheng Ling, the two pretty Chinese Vocaloids virtual singers.
Fan Hunjun hurried to get into the car. A light, elegant fragrance tickled his nose, making him jolt.
"We haven't met in years. I heard that you went overseas to work after graduating from high school, so how's it going now?"
"What do you mean, 'work'? I was just an exported labor. I transport bricks at construction sites overseas."
"Your earnings should be fairly handsome, shouldn't it?" As she said that, Fang Youqin surveyed Fan Hunjun
When compared to how he was in the past, Fan Hunjun was a little taller and a little darker now, on top of being rather burly in terms of build. He was still alright when he didn't speak, but the moment he opened his mouth, his rough personality from when he was younger came tumbling out.
"Let's not talk about income. After meeting with that black-hearted intermediary back then,armed conflicts had been taking place in the country we arrived in, but it was too late for us to flee. Not only that, some unknown local armed forces stole everything from me before I came back here. If it weren't for the embassy's aid, I wouldn't even be able to afford the plane ticket back."
Fang Youqin believed his words when she looked at his cheap clothes.
Fang Youqin suddenly thought of Li Shanshan's face, of how she was about to cry, but was unable to shed any tears. A malevolent gleam suddenly flashed in her eyes.
"That's right," Fang Youqin spoke as she drove. "You had a crush on Li Shanshan back then, hadn't you?"
Practically all the guys had crushed on Li Shanshan and Fang Youqin, never mind Fan Hunjun.
"Who said that? You're the one I had a crush on!"
Had those words come from Zhang Junhao's mouth, Fang Youqin would have been excited. Most unfortunately, they came from Zhang Hunjun's. Fang Youqin's mouth merely curved up a tiny bit.
She gave a faint smile. "Do you want to marry Li Shanshan?"
Fang Hunjun was stunned.
"If you want, I can guarantee that she'll marry you!"
Fan Hunjun was completely stunned and shocked.
"Quit fidgeting around being embarrassed like that. Since we're old classmates, I plan to fix you guys up."
Fan Hunjun had no words.
"Oh my great beauty Miss Fang, do you take me for Christmas leftovers?" Fan Hunjun huffed.
"Are you saying that you're on board?"
"Got your ID card with you?"
"I even have my passport."
Fang Youqin started a call through her car's tablet screen. Fan Hunjun could see Li Shanshan's name displayed on it, his little heart inexplicably beginning to get pumped.
"Shanshan, bring your ID and come to the civil affairs bureau. I'll be waiting for you by the entrance."
"The civil affairs bureau? Now? O... okay."
Li Shanshan's voice was just as pleasant as ever. It seeped into your bones, just like Fang Youqin's voice.
Fan Hunjun sensed from Li Shanshan's tone that she was utterly respectful and reverent toward Fang Youqin, and she was extremely humble too. What was going on?
Fang Youqin stopped her car by the entrance to the civil affairs bureau and immediately called for Fan Hunjun to get out of the car.
"What are we here for?" asked Fan Hunjun.
"Getting that marriage cert of course! Didn't you hear? Li Shanshan's going to be here soon."
"You mean—"
"Didn't I say it earlier? I'm getting Li Shanshan to marry you!"
"My great beauty Miss Fang, this joke of yours is a little excessive. Plus, it's not funny at all."
Shortly after, Li Shanshan arrived, her expression frantic. She straightaway dashed over to Fang Youqin without even looking at Fan Hunjun, who was off to the side.
Li Shanshan was far more modest and elegant in comparison to Fang Youqin's in-your-face gorgeousness. Fan Hunjun carefully observed the two. If they were like Luo Tianyi and Yuezheng Ling in the past, they were now like a lady and her little servant girl instead.
Fang Youqin took hold of Li Shanshan's arm and dragged her to the side, before fishing out a card from her handbag. When Li Shanshan caught sight of the card, she looked as though she was looking at a lifeline.
Before Fang Youqin could speak, Li Shanshan beat her to the punch. "Rest assured, I promise that I won't talk to Zhang Junhao anymore."
"No, the conditions have changed," Fang Youqin said to Li Shanshan while glancing at Fan Hunjun at the side. "As long as you marry him, I will cover the surgery and rehabilitation fees for your father, not just the kidney."
Li Shanshan froze in an instant.
Breaking up with Zhang Junhao was one thing. Making her marry someone else was another.
She turned around and only recognized Fan Hunjun after studying him for ages. "Thoughtless Hun?"
The well and utterly confused Fan Hunjun gave an awkward smile. Li Shanshan nearly fainted.
Fang Youqin felt great as she watched Li Shanshan's look of despair.
She did her best to hide her glee as she spoke. "Shanshan, it's now or never. Besides, Fan Hunjun came back from his 'endeavors' overseas. With such a golden groom by your side, you just might be able to go from rags to riches. In the future, I may even have to rely on you instead!"
Fang Youqin was deliberately humiliating Li Shanshan, but all Li Shanshan could do was withstand it all. However, neither of them knew that the Fan Hunjun of today would be considered a golden groom to practically any woman in the world.
It was a pity that Li Shanshan did not understand this, as she still begged despite having been offered a perfect hand.
Tears brimmed in Li Shanshan's eyes. "Youqin, we have been friends for over twenty years. I've already agreed to break off my relationship with Zhang Junhao, so why must you insist on pushing me into the fire pit?"
"Shanshan, you need 600,000. I can't just let you pine after Zhang Junhao every day like some spiteful widow all just for 600,000, right? He will only lose all his interest in you if you marry and have children!"
Li Shanshan finally understood that Fan Youqin did not only intend to snatch Zhang Junhao from her. She wanted to humiliate Li Shanshan for the rest of her life!
The problem was Fan Hunjun, or also known as Thoughtless Hun...
Li Shanshan reached out to wipe her tears of humiliation, and nodded, despaired but firm. All to save her father.
Whoa, this happy ending came a little too soon, didn't it?
Fan Hunjun followed the two women into the civil affairs bureau. After they had filled out the marriage application forms and taken a marriage photo at the little shop next door, he felt he was sleepwalking when the marriage certification was finally in his hands.
Right then, Fang Youqin pulled Li Shanshan to the side. "I know that it's difficult for you. This 600,000 is practically an astronomical number to you now, and to me, it's no small sum too. We ought to set up a repayment period, no?" she whispered.
Fang Youqin's request wasn't over-the-top, but Li Shanshan was at a loss of words. She truly had no idea when she would have the money to pay it back, as deep into debt as she was.
"Why don't you... set the time frame?"
Fang Youqin sighed. "Alright then, since you said that we've been friends for over twenty years, if you bear a child with Fan Hunjun within a year, you won't have to pay me back that 600,000. Otherwise, I'll give you an extra year. You'll have to pay me back that sum in two years."
Li Shanshan's father's kidneys had failed. Simply buying new kidneys would cost 30,000, and that didn't include the surgery fee, the rehabilitation costs and their regular daily expenses. This sum was truly a life-saving amount of money.
Li Shanshan's father, Li Haobo, had originally been the head of the quality inspection department at the bureau of construction. Although his position wasn't that high up, he had held true power in the palm of his hands. All construction projects under the area he governed could only be carried out once they had passed his checks.
Later on, a few developers reported him for accepting bribes, and he was sentenced to five years in prison on top of a monetary fine. Not only did he owe many debts, he was also fired from his job. It was why his wife, Jia Xiaoyan, divorced him.
Li Haobo had no job, and had had no social security benefits for the past few years. His surgery costs came out of his own pocket.
Li Shanshan, who worked as a primary school teacher, had borrowed money from all of her friends in order to pay off her father's debts. However, she hadn't even finished paying off her previous debts when her father suddenly needed new kidneys.
Li Shanshan, who was at her wits' end, could only ask her ex-best friend Fang Youqin—now also a rival in love—for help.
She had already made thorough mental preparations for this. She had already decided to give up Zhang Junhao the moment she opened her mouth to ask for money from Fang Youqin.
Li Shanshan was deeply in love with Zhang Junhao and did not wish to burden him. Moreover, Zhang Junhao's parents opposed their relationship, never mind asking for money to treat Li Shanshan's father's illness.
And now, not only did Fang Youqin agree to lend her that money, she even promised that so long as Li Shanshan and Fan Hunjun had a child together, Li Shanshan wouldn't need to repay the money.
Li Shanshan made her peace. She was already married to Fan Hunjun anyway. Having a child with Fan Hunjun within a year wasn't much of a condition for those 600,000.
To put it frankly, Fang Youqin wanted to make Zhang Junhao and Li Shanshan lose interest in each other.
Although she was forced to agree to those terms under duress, Li Shanshan still didn't hesitate to nod. Despite it all, she loathed Fan Hunjun.
She didn't known that Fan Hunjun had only returned to the country today. She didn't know that Fang Youqin had only met Fan Hunjun by coincidence when she was driving past the train station. Instead, she thought that Fan Hunjun had been in cahoots with Fang Youqin from the very beginning.
Li Shanshan even suspected that the 600,000 offered to her was actually Fan Hunjun's money. Otherwise, Fang Youqin wouldn't have been so generous.
After Li Shanshan agreed, Fang Youqin made her way over to Fan Hunjun and left her phone number with him, while also dragging him into a chat group with their other former classmates. "Hope you guys have a happy life. Give me a head's up when you get that wedding going. I'll be sure to be your wedding officiator," she said.
With that, Fang Youqin made a face toward Fan Hunjun before strutting out of the civil affairs bureau and driving off in her sports car.
Fan Hunjun stared after her. It was only after a long while that he came back to his senses.
"Li... Shanshan." Fan Hunjun didn't know what to call her, and simply laughed awkwardly. "I... I have no idea what's going on really."
"I know." Li Shanshan had no expression on her face. "Are we going to your house, or are we heading to a hotel?"
"My house? A hotel?" Fan Hunjun looked at Li Shanshan, confusion on his face.
"Didn't we just get that marriage certificate? We are now legally husband and wife."
What? In a hurry to do such things as soon as we're legally married? I thought we still haven't held the wedding ceremony yet?
"Uh alright, Shanshan, there's something I don't understand. What did Fang Youqing say to you for you to agree to marry me?"
Li Shanshan coldly snorted and turned to walk toward the lobby.
She thought that Fan Hunjun was putting on an act, and a very poor one at that.
Fan Hunjun immediately followed her. Just as they reached the side of the road and prepared to hail a taxi, Zhang Junhao suddenly appeared while riding his electric bike.
Fan Hunjun hadn't thought that he would meet Zhang Junhao by such coincidence here.
Zhang Junhao was still just as handsome and dashing as he was during their student days; the only difference was the extra maturity in his face. His attitude was not as obnoxious as before as well. When you factored in his electric bike, he looked rather ordinary.
Zhang Junhao, Fan Hunjun, Fang Youqin, and Li Shanshan were classmates during high school. Zhang Junhao had received a call from Fang Youqin, who said that Li Shanshan had gone to the civil affairs bureau to register for marriage with another man. It was because of that that he rushed over on his electric bike at lightning speed.
He hadn't noticed Fan Hunjun at all. After he heard his name being called and some blinking later, he finally recognized Fan Hunjun.
"Thoughtless... Hun?"
"Hahaha, Zhang, old chap, isn't this a coincidence?"
Fan Hunjun was about to step forward to greet him when Li Shanshan suddenly grabbed his arm. "Come, there's an empty taxi," she said to Fan Hunjun.
Zhang Junhao froze on the spot when he saw Li Shanshan grab Fan Hunjun's arm.
Fan Hunjun still didn't know about Zhang Junhao and Li Shanshan's relationship with each other. He simply thought that Zhang Junhao was awestruck that such a beautiful woman like Li Shanshan was being so affectionate with him.
He fished out his marriage certificate and waved it around. "Zhang, who would have thought, right? We just got married!"
Zhang Junhao pushed his electric bike to the ground and charged over the moment he heard those words. In one swoop, he snatched the certificate from Fan Hunjun's hand and read it, so furious that his body was trembling.
"Shanshan, why? Why did you end up with that... Thoughtless Hun? Even if you don't like me, you could have chosen anyone else. Why did you have to choose a mongrel like him?"
When they had still been in school, their class had 31 boys in total, including Fan Hunjun. Fan Hunjun had suffered beatings from 29 of those fellow classmates. Apart from himself, the only one who never raised a hand against him was honest and straightforward Wang Xu, who was also Fan Hunjun's only friend.
Every beating that he got was because of some fault he made, which was why he had the moniker of 'Thoughtless Hun'.
Li Shanshan's suggestion to break up with him was already a huge blow to Zhang Junhao. The fact that she picked Fan Hunjun was practically killing Zhang Junhao.
To Zhang Junhao, he could lose to any other man, except for that Fan Hunjun.
It was only then that Fan Hunjun realized that Zhang Junhao and Li Shanshan had an rather unusual relationship.
However, Li Shanshan spoke to Zhang Junhao expressionlessly. "Please speak with a little more respect. Who's the mongrel here? He is now my husband!"
"Husband? Hahaha!"
Zhang Junhao burst out into laughter despite his anger. He didn't care that Fan Hunjun was now nearly as tall as he was, or that Fan Hunjun was even burlier than he was. He suddenly flung the marriage certificate in his hand at Fan Hunjun's face, before following it up with a couple of punches and kicks. Punches rained down upon Fan Hunjun's body, knocking him straight to the ground.
Zhang Junhao had originally been one of Fan Hunjun's tormentors. He had been bullying Fan Hunjun ever since they were little. He hadn't thought that Zhang Junhao would pummel him into a pulp just like how he did in the past in front of Li Shanshan.
Fan Hunjun did his best to withstand this, searing the new grudge along with the old in his heart. Most importantly, he wanted to see how Li Shanshan would react.
"What are you doing?" Li Shanshan suddenly lunged forward and held Fan Hunjun tightly, using her body to shield him from Zhang Junhao. "Don't go too far, or I'll call the police!"
"Call the police? Thoughtless Hun... Thoughtless Hun, and the police? Haha, hahaha!"
The despaired Zhang Junhao laughed and yelled in a wretched manner. He didn't even pick up his electric bike; he simply ran off into the distance.
Li Shanshan watched this, her heart aching. How she wished she could run after Zhang Junhao and stop him, but when she remembered how her father was lying in the hospital painfully waiting for his surgery, she forced herself to stop tearing up. However, she had broken her lips from biting them.
Longest I've ever been updated so far I'm proud of myself hehehe

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