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Author's POV
Sorry if I didn't update this because of certain circumstances but I'm not going to give up on my work yet..Until I had made my new one so better watch out for the upcoming ones I'm cooking for now..And to those who don't stop supporting me here's a chapter for you all.

Narrator's POV
After watching the village from the Hokage Mountain..Kurenai and Naruto decided to return at his compound..because the temperature was really getting lower than the usual..And because of the Christmas season was apparently on the way..
Everyone was really excited about the gifts that they're going to receive from the people who are so close to them..especially for the ladies who are so in love with him.. And they're all planning to give him something to look forward to..Tsunade decided to cook for Naruto..while Erza is wrapping up a box of chocolates for him..Hinata and Kurumi are baking cookies and making a fruit salad for the celebration of not just Christmas but the anniversary of the victory over the Fifth Great Shinobi War which happened right before the Christmas Day Anno Kami..which was lead by Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze-Otsusuki Uchiha.. And thanks to him the Elemental Nations were safe to live in..

Kurumi Ahri's PoV
"Yay Christmas is fast approaching and thanks to Naruto-koi we're all here for the celebration of the happiest season of all..Am I right Hinata-chan.." Then she answered "Most definitely Ahri-Chan we're all grateful to have our baby in celebration tonight I just talked to one of his shadow clones..Kurenai-sensei and Naruto-kun are coming this way.."
Let's hear what the other girls are chatting about..
Erza's POV
"La la la la sing a happy song.." She was humming the song of The Smurfs which made the others chuckle.. "Oi Erza stop humming that song you're embarrassing yourself for the others" teased Tsunade.. which made Mei laugh so hard... "Why not it's Christmas after all in fact I'm already finished with my task..Mei how's your task going??"..
Mei's POV
"I'm currently at the finishing touches Erza don't worry ..And my cupcakes are delicious and I will be happy to serve them with all my heart to Naruto-kun" .. Mei said with a smile on her face..

Tsunade's POV
"I'm sure Naruto-sama is still at the ramen place with Kurenai enjoying the "Kushina Special"..oi Kushi-chan is the cake ready for the celebration??" Asked Tsunade.. "Yep just prepping my art for the design of the cake and we're all set.."

Author's POV #2
This Kushina is not the mother of Naruto it's an OC who was the heiress of the Akabane clan known for the silent assassin like moves..

Kushina's POV
"Cake is ready for the celebration let's just wait for the main person to come home and we're all done..btw I'm still shocked that he's enjoying the ramen of his mother..When I tried burned out my tongue and I felt like I can throw a fire jutsu on my mouth with the intense heat it gives.."

Naruto's POV
"This is great eh old man is this one of the best ramen you have..??" Asked Naruto.. "This is now my newest Ayame-nee.. how was Kakashi-sensei as a boyfriend..?"

Teuchi's POV
"Oh yes..your mother was really a genius and she invented that..The other Kushina tried it once it put her on a massive flamethrower with how hot it was..and I'm so grateful for the "Hero" is enjoying the "Kushina special.." As for your next question she's going to answer it after you finished your meal..said Teuchi proud of his customer..

Ayame's POV
"He's amazing and a great shinobi to boot..and he's big Naruto although yours was a bit bigger..we had great sex in the Hatake Compound the other night..his rod is a whooping 11 inch and I feel like I'm going to be breaking the hymen of my pussy.."  "But at the same time he's caring and makes sure that I'm protected that's why he's training me for self-defense and kenjutsu.." she smiled while saying that..

Kurenai's POV
"Ayame-san I'm gonna be enjoying teaching you some genjutsu as well for back up..but for now enhance your sword fighting skills and who knows maybe you're going to be a great kenjustu user.. and I'm sure you're going to have a chance to spar with Naruto-kun one of these days.." she said..

Ayame's POV #2
"I'm going to think about that Kurenai-san but for now I'm so content with what I have so far.. And as for the spar I wouldn't be missing a chance ..if that is okay with my little brother figure.." She said to the two..

Narrator's POV
Naruto agreed to be a sparring partner with Ayame and he also gives her tips on how to handle a tanto perfectly . And he also taught her how to get her chakra and apply it to the sword for additional efficiency..something Kakashi was thankful for and she said that maybe she's going to join the Anbu for additional income and her father was crying in happiness because of what she achieved so far..Ayame Mikagami-Hatake "First Civilian Anbu Co-Captain.." not bad to the ears ..however he's also concerned about the safety the missions she's receiving from Kakashi..but her boyfriend ensures that she can handle the problem..after all she's an expert in seduction which had been her secret weapon for success..Let's continue with the story so far ..let's head back to the compound and see what is going on..

Naruto's POV
"Thank you Kurenai-chan for accompanying me to the Hokage mountain it was my haven when I feel so much depressed and to think that one of "The Four Ice Queens" joined me is such an honor..Well let's go home and I'm going to accompany you because it's already late.." Naruto said smiling..
Kurenai's POV
"Sure Naruto-sama and thank you for your love to me and Hinata.. Tomorrow afternoon I will check with her because we're going to celebrate your victory against the evil Sasuke Uchiha who's not even a True Uchiha.."
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Naruto-sama.." she greeted which Naruto nodded..

Well that's all for now until the next update

Author-sama out
Ja Ne 😁😁😁😁😁😁

Naruto x Tsunade x Erza x Mei x Kurumi (Fem Kurama) x Kurenai x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now