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Ready for Pleasure
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18+ Only

Title: Perfect Companion

Xian's POV

Seven days. Seven days, since the last time my baby and I got to have time for each other. We were so freaking busy with our own businesses, we barely see each other at home. I am Xian the owner of Luxury Lotus Hotel, and the President of our family company.

I reached for my phone and stared at the picture of my wallpaper. A guy who captured and captivated my heart, my boyfriend Yohan. He's the owner of the biggest company which exports and imports luxurious cars worldwide. That makes me the proud girlfriend I could ever be. I opened my message and went directly to our convo, and texted him.

Text Message to Yohan:
Hey baby, how are you doing? I have been missing you so much now. Aren't you busy this evening? I wanna cook something good for you at home. Take care baby. Iloveyou

Hit the send button and waited for the message to ve sent before putting my phone back down. A few minutes after, my phone vibrated. I picked it up and saw Yohan's reply.

Yohan's Message:
Hello my baby, I am doing fine, though I am missing you back terribly. Baby, I'm sorry but I can't go home for dinner tonight. Promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow. Take care too and Iloveyoutoo

I admit I'm pretty much disappointed, but what can I do? Work comes first when it comes to the both of us. Grabbed my bag and some files that I need to read at home. I went out of my office and went straight to the parking lot. I entered my car and drove home.

I arrived home less than an hour. The house was dark from the outside. I opened the door and I sensed something weird. The scent of the house was different. Curiosity attacked me and opened the lights. Rose petals were everywhere. Then I noticed arrows sticked on the wall. Right under the first arrow says "Follow Me". That what I did.

I followed the arrows and led me to our bedroom's doorstep. A sticky note was posted on the door that says "Smile Before You Enter". Well, that's a bit creepy but I smiled nonetheless. I opened the door and saw a guy standing right beside the sliding door going to the terrace. He smiled, as he take a glimpse of me.

The only light inside the room was the small scented candles arranged in a heart shape. He slowly walked towards me as I was pinned on where I was standing. My tears were falling down.

Mind: /This guy is really something. He doesn't fail to surprise me. Gosh I love him so much. Every tiny bit of him is perfect from head to toe./

I didn't even noticed he was already infront of me. He wiped my tears away and smiles sweetly. He cupped my cheeks and greeted me with a sweet peck on the lips. "Happy monthsary baby. I didn't wanna make you cry but I guess I just did, and I'm sorry for that. I just wanna suprise you on our special day. I love you baby." he captured me to his warm embrace.

I hugged him back. "I was disappointed going home knowing you won't be here but here you are beside me. Thank you for this surprise baby. Happy mothsary of love for us. I love you more baby." I answered back at him. He ushered me to the terrace and there, a table with candlelight dinner is ready.

We ate while we talked joyfully about our day at work. We exchanged views and ideas for our company to grow bigger. Until.................

He holds my hand and say "Goodness baby, you are so beautiful. I am so damn lucky guy to have such an amazing, sexy lady like you." he said it sounding so sincere. "Oh baby, you are the perfect creation I have ever seen in my entire existence." I answered back and we both chuckled.

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