Naruto x Kurumi

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Disclaimer!!!  (This is just a filler arc of the story and after this  I will return to the original no title chapters so please bear with me and I also have a life that I need to be living) With that aside let's get this party started.. In 5 4 3 2 1 .......Here we go..

Naruto's POV
"Well I've been missing this beautiful vixen of mine in my own mindscape so it wouldn't hurt to visit her again hehehe" ... "I'm really getting ready to meet her and I guess she's going to be in there with my clone as her bodyguard.."  *clone disperses* "Hello there cutie pie how's my beautiful kitsune doing??"

Ahri's POV
"Yiiee my mate is here and Imissyousomuch Naruto-koi well I'm good seeing you're here now know what ..If I am going to be with you I suggest you need to bag the heiress of the Hyuuga and I am sure Erza-nee chan and Tsunade -nee Chan sama would accept her..after all Kurenai is a good friend of mine and we're in a team before and it was good times.. For me I will also grab Kurenai-nee she's like a sister I never had..Naruto-koi..she's hurting and you just turned her fears away with your "Talk-no-Jutsu".. then she became bethroted to you.. Let's say it's a younger sister's instinct *winks at Naruto*

Naruto's POV
"We're getting there Ahri-chan and Kurenai-sensei is still coping up with what Asuma-sensei did to her..but she's eventually recover from the devastating loss of the bastard's cheating for a higher status..Being a clan heir myself I understand what she's going through..Do you know why Asuma-sensei cheated on her..*Kurumi shakes her head* is the reason for it.. Asuma-sensei couldn't stick his 7-inches Dick to her own fresh and virgin vagina..knowing she's one of the "Ice Queens of Konohagakure-no-Sato" understand me.. *Kurumi was furious and at the same time nods her head*..Asuma-Sensei couldn't have sex with her because she won against him in a game of shogi..(Japanese Chess)..She placed a beautiful bet if he wins she'll give in but if he loses no sex for him..and sadly he lost the match in a set of 3..a 3-0 sweep..Since you see through my seal ..imagine his face without having what he wanted to do for a very long time.. *she just mentally laughs hard imagining his face without any sex as in none at all* ..Now you see.." *She agreed to his deduction*..

Kurenai's POV
*sneezes* "Is someone talking about me right now oh well I still couldn't get over his sullen face when he lost to me in Shogi..well I guess I might challenge Shikamaru .. Shikaku or even Naruto.."

Naruto's POV
*smirks as her own clone bodyguard disperses* "Well looks like she's having a good time after all..She seems so happy being a virgin and Ahri-chan she's going to challenge me or the Nara Clan in shogi once in a while..It's been long since I touched a Shogi Board"..

Narrator's POV
Kurumi seems very excited for the next match up Naruto-koi or Shikamaru and Shikaku-san against Kurenai in a Shogi match..She saw how Naruto defeat the Nara Father-son tandem every time they challenge him to a Shogi match..Let's continue with the story and hear the thoughts of Ahri-chan..

Kurumi Ahri's POV
"Ohh this is exciting Naruto-koi always defeats Shikamaru and Shikaku-san in their usual matches with Naruto losing only Five pieces at max ..his analysis is a killer at it's finest..he carefully thinks his moves ahead of them and trapping them out without any sort of back up..causing them the match..he has the Devil's luck and great focus..earning him the monicker "The Blonde Shogi Prodigy of the Hidden Leaf"....(In here Kurenai is a top player in Japanese Chess)..and my sister in all except blood is "The Youngest Female Shogi Grandmaster"..ohh this is going to be a heck of a match.."..she thought.. "Naruto-koi accept her challenge but do it for her not for a bet.. but if she bets with you take it and she'll be happy with you.." She encouraged him..

Naruto's POV
"Hmm maybe this will make her get over him 100x better..okay maybe I will accept her challenge.." "The Blond Prodigy  vs The Youngest Shogi Grandmaster ohh I'm getting all fired up (Get the reference).. And she might be like me too.. we never know unless we try right.." Let's toss it over to Kurenai..

*Time Skip brought to you by Tensou Sentai Goseiger x Kaizokou Sentai Gokaiger*

Kurenai's POV
"Hey Naruto-kun can I  challenge you to a Shogi match.. Best of 5 whoever wins he/she will get the loser to be their date on the next festival.."..*Naruto accepts the challenge knowing that he'll gonna win*

*During the Kyuubi Festival*
Narrator's POV
We're going to witness a once in a life time match "The Prodigy vs The Youngest Grandmaster in a Best of 5"..Let's see what is going on with them right now..

Kurenai's POV
"Whoo he's definitely "The Blonde Prodigy he just lost three and I'm out of officials ..but I wanna go on a date with him so it's a win-win situation hihi I'm so lucky..Thank you Kami-Sama.."she thought.. *Kurumi's very happy with her sister figure bagging Naruto and Erza Mei and Tsunade's proud of the match they're seeing*

Naruto's POV
"Damn she's no slouch so "The Youngest Grandmaster" is not just a title even if I lost three pieces only..I almost got caught off guard with her "Knight" sneaking carefully and then her "Adviser"..almost captured my "King" .. I actually enjoyed the match but I have to end it right here and..*the crowd stays really silent can hear a pin drop for this nails biting sweat trickling..intense match* checkmate..
(Referee announces Your winner and new Youngest Grandmaster Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Uchiha Otsusuki)..

Kurenai's POV
"That was a great match and congratulations on defeating me..but still our bet is what's your plan for now Naruto..!?!?"..*he just smirks*..

Naruto's POV
"I will definitely go on a date night with you Kurenai-chan for you know I've been liking you and Hinata-chan for quite a while so you're getting your dream date with me and Hinata as well.." *The two of them were very happy.. with the decision*..

Naruto x Tsunade x Erza x Mei x Kurumi (Fem Kurama) x Kurenai x HinataWhere stories live. Discover now