~Chapter 7~

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Jungkook's POV

Jimin slowly fell asleep and I put my hand over his. I was about to also close my eyes, but then I felt my phone vibrate. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. It was a text message. I clicked on it and saw that it was from Namjoon. "Just great," I thought.

Joonie: Did you lie to me earlier?

Kookie: About what?

Joonie: Seriously Kook, You and Jimin?

I looked up from my seat and saw Namjoon looking at me. He gave me a stern look and I just looked back at my phone nervously.

Kookie: No, why?

Joonie: Because I remember you were supposed to sit by Tae. He asked you like a week ago. Didn't he?

Kookie: I don't remember that.

Joonie: Text Tae and ask him then.

Kookie: Okay?


Kookie: Did you ask me to sit by you last week?

TaeTae: No, sorry if that sounded rude. Why?

Kookie: Don't worry. I'm going to kill Namjoon.

TaeTae: ...

TaeTae: Okay...

I looked up at Namjoon and he was laughing nonstop.


Kookie: I'm going to kill you!

Kookie: Crap.

Kookie: Wrong person.


Jin: Tell me who that was meant for or no Overwatch for a week.

Kookie: ...

Kookie: Nobody Hyung

Jin: Kook! I Will get up and make a scene in front of all the members.

Kookie: ...

Jin: KOOK!

Jin: Um...

I looked up at Jimin and saw he was awake. I could tell he was reading the messages by his facial expression. "Should I just tell him the truth?" I whispered to him.

"Just tell Jin-Hyung who and ask to talk to him face to face alone," he whispered. "Okay," I said, turning to look back at my phone.

Kookie: Okay, I'll tell you.

Jin: Good, go on.

Kookie: I'm talking about Namjoon-Hyung.

Kookie: But, can we talk alone. Like face to face.

Jin: Okay, back of the plane right now.

Kookie: Okay.

I quickly got up and went to the back of the plane. I sat down in a seat and waited for Jin. A few seconds later, I saw him towards me and sat down by me,

"Jungkook, first of all, what happened to cause this?" Jin said quietly, so only we could hear, "You have to promise me you won't tell anyone," I said in the same voice level. "I won't, I promise," he said.

"Okay well, This morning when Namjoon-Hyung came and woke Jimin and me up. Jimin was in my room and we were sleeping together. He saw but didn't say anything right then. But when we were on our way to the airport, he made me ride with him. Then he asked me a bunch of questions about it. And then now on the plane, I sat by Jimin, right? Then he had the audacity to text me and say weren't you supposed to sit by Tae-Hyung. So then, I looked like an idiot asking Tae-Hyung. Then, I text you the text that was supposed to go to Namjoon-Hyung," I said.

"Second, What is going on with you and Jimin then. I notice that you always seem down when Jimin is gone and it's not just me who has noticed," he said. "Okay, I'm going to tell you what I told Namjoon-Hyung. Nothing is going on between us. The only reason Jimin-Hyung slept with me last night is that he had a nightmare," I said.

I hate lying, especially to Jin because he can always tell when I am lying. But Jimin and I wanted to keep this our own little secret for a little while.

"So, what am I supposed to do about Namjoon-Hyung?" I asked. "I'll talk to him, and I won't reveal what you told me it can stay between you and me," he said. "Thanks, Hyung," I said. Jin stood up and walked back to his seat by Namjoon. I just stayed in my seat for a little while longer.

Jimin's POV

Jungkook has been talking with Jin for like 20 minutes now. Eventually, Jin walked back to his seat, but Jungkook was not behind him. I was worried something happened to him, but Jin wouldn't do that nor would he just leave him to suffer. Instead of waiting for him, I got up and went to the back of the plane.

When I got there, I saw Jungkook sleeping in the chair he was in. I laughed a little, but woke him up because if he stayed that way the way he was, he wouldn't be able to move his neck. "Kookie, you should go back to your seat and sleep," I said, putting my hand on his knee. I couldn't believe that he fell asleep that fast.

"But-" he started. "No but's, I don't want to hear your neck hurts tomorrow. So get up," I said cutting him off and putting my other hand on his other knee. Even though I told him to get up he didn't move, so I leaned over, our faces close together. I could feel his breath on my lips. I leaned over a little more and pressed my lips against his.

He reacted suddenly, by pulling me closer. After a few more seconds I pulled away. "That's all you get since you didn't get up when I said to," I said teasing him.

I removed my hands from his knees and walked back to my seat like nothing happened. Right after I sat down Jungkook came and sat as well. I looked up at him. His cheeks had a little tint of pink and he was fiddling with his hands in his lap. He looked at me, cheeks turning redder. I smirked and looked away, knowing I got his flustered.

As I was looking out the window, I felt a hand lay on mine. I looked at Jungkook and he was smiling his bunny smile. "I thought you were tired?" I said. "Not after what you just did," he said. I blushed a little remembering how good his lips felt on mine.

I wanted to feel them again, but we couldn't kiss knowing the members had more of a chance catching us here. I just smiled and looked out the window. I could tell we were coming close to landing because I saw buildings in the distance.

Soon enough, we finally landed and started getting up. We all grabbed our bags and exited the plane. Of course, people were waiting to take pictures and videos of us once we got out of the plane.

Jungkook and I stayed close together, to make sure we would end up riding in the same car together. After a lot of pushing through crowds, we made it to the cars. Namjoon and Jin rode in the first car. Hobi and Tae in the second, with Yoongi in the third. Then finally Jungkook and I rode together in the fourth.

Right before we got in the cars though, we were all handed our hotel room numbers. We all had our own room. I had number 347 and Jungkook had 348, the one across from me. It was only a 20 minutes drive from the airport to the hotel. And during that time Jungkook and I talked and maybe even kissed again.

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