~Chapter 8~

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Jungkook's POV

While Jimin and I were in the car we talked about many random things. We were both disappointed that we had our own rooms. Sometimes we share rooms when we only go for a few days, but this was not the case. Then Jimin brought this up.

"Do you think Jin-Hyung and Namjoon-Hyung are dating?" he asked. "I mean if they really kissed and did the things you said, then there is a good possibility," I said. "Probably," he said, agreeing with me.

"Why don't I just text Jin-Hyung and ask him," I suggested. "Why not," Jimin said giggling. I pulled out my phone and clicked onto Jin's profile. Just before I started typing, Jimin put his hand on my thigh. I was shocked that he made a move, normally I am the one to make the first move. Eventually, I snapped out of my thoughts and started typing.

Kookie: Are you and Namjoon-Hyung dating?

Jin: Why do you ask?

"Should I just tell him what you saw?" I asked Jimin. "Yep, I want to know," he said.

Kookie: Because Jimin-Hyung saw you and Joonie-Hyung making out the other morning.

Jin: Um...

Jin: Please don't tell anyone.

Jin: Yes, yes we are dating.

Kookie: I won't tell anyone, besides Jimin-Hyung who is ready over my shoulder.

Kookie: But how long has it been?

Jin: Just under like 6 months.

Kookie: And how have I not noticed this?

Jin: Idk you tell me

I laughed and turned my head to look at Jimin. He was still looking at my phone until he seemed to realize that I was looking at him. He avoided my eyes but kept his hand on my thigh. He seemed a little nervous, so I leaned over and lifted his chin.

He looked at me and I kissed him. He responded quickly by kissing me back. The kiss was soft and simple. Right in the middle of it, the car stopped. I pulled away and saw that we had reached the hotel.

"Come on, let's go," I said while unbuckling my seatbelt. Jimin and I got out and met up with the members outside the hotel. Once everyone was together we went inside. We all went to our own rooms and set our things down.

Jimin's POV

Once I put all my things in my room, I walked across the hall to Jungkook's room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. He opened it pretty fast and I went in. I sat on a couch by a big window and Jungkook sat next to me.

"So, what are we going to do for the rest of the night?" he asked. Just then my phone vibrated and I got a text message. I opened the message from Tae up and it said,

TaeTae: Were going to watch a movie in Jin-Hyung's room. You in?

"Do you want to go, Jungkook?" I asked looking up at him. "If you want to," he said looking back at me. "Okay, I'll text him that we can come," I said looking back at my phone.

Jiminie: Ya.

TaeTae: Great, get Jungkook on your way.

Jiminie: Will do!

Jiminie: What time?

TaeTae: Now.

Jiminie: Were coming.

Jungkook and I got up and headed to Jin's room. Jungkook knocked and Joon answered. "Hey guys, Come in," he said like nothing happened on the plane today, between him and Jungkook.

We both sat down and sat together. Namjoon and Jin sat together on Jin's bed to "save space". Tae, Hobi, and Yoongi sat together on a different couch from where Jungkook and I were.

Jungkook's POV

Jin turned the lights off and played the movie. I looked over at him and saw him and Namjoon cuddling already. "It hasn't even been 5 minutes," I thought.

I looked back at the t.v and focused on the movie. The movie was okay, but about halfway through it got kind of boring. (A/N: I notice that I always make them seem to think movies are boring, Sorry.) I noticed that Jimin was casually scooting closer and closer to me. Instead of waiting for him to get closer, I made one big move to speed up the process.

I moved so I was right next to him, our legs touching. Since everyone was focused on the movie, I hope, I put my arms around him and he leaned on me. As the movie continued Jimin stayed in my arms.

While we were watching the movie, Jimin was still in my arms. I looked around at Tae, Hobi, and Yoongi. Tae and Hobi were sitting very close, like closer than normal. The distance between Tae and Hobi was a lot compared to Tae and Yoongi. I wondered what could be going on between them if anything was. I wanted to know what was going on, so I picked up my phone and opened Hobi's profile.

Kookie: So...

Kookie: You and Tae?

Hobi: What?

Kookie: You guys seem to be sitting pretty close together.

Hobi: I didn't realize.

Kookie: Really...

Hobi: Yep!

I looked back at the t.v and saw that the movie was over. "Jimin are you ready to go?" I whispered in his ear. He didn't answer. I looked at him and saw that he had fallen asleep.

"Alright guys, I'm going to take Jimin-Hyung to his hotel, then I'm going to go to sleep," I said standing up. "Okay, sleep well," Jin said. "See ya," I said picking Jimin up. I didn't want to wake him up, so I just carried him back to his hotel.

I walked down the hallway and went into his room. I laid him on his bed and covered him with his blankets. I turned off the lights and walked out the door. I grabbed some pjs and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up.

Eventually, the water warmed up and I got in. I took a long shower, probably longer than I should have, but oh well. Once I got out of the shower, I put my clothes on and went back to my bedroom. I laid in bed and turned on my phone. The fan sign is Friday and today is Wednesday, Which means we have a free day tomorrow to do whatever.

I put my phone back on the charger, not seeing anything interesting. I turned around, so I laid on my other side and closed my eyes to go to bed. I ended up falling asleep pretty fast.

~A few hours later~

I heard a faint knock on my hotel room door. The door opened, then closed very quickly. I was half asleep, so I didn't open my eyes right away. I just figured it was Jimin or something wanting to sleep with me. I felt someone crawl onto my bed and lay very close next to me. They were shaking and cold. "K-Kookie," he stuttered. I could tell he had been crying or he was about to cry. I opened my eyes and saw...

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