~Chapter 53~

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Jimin's POV

I looked up and saw Jungkook. My eyes were probably red from all the crying I had done and my cheeks were probably puffy. I tried to get up, but wires were attached to me making it hard. Jungkook rushed over to me and sat me back down.

I wrapped my arms around him and didn't let go. He wrapped his arms around me and sat down. He put me on his lap and I clung onto him like a Koala.

"It's okay Jiminie," he whispered in my ear. My sobbing soon turned into sniffling and the room was finally silent. Well, except for when Jungkook whispered something in my ear.

"Are you okay now?" he whispered. I nodded and just played with his hair. I kept my eyes on a wall, where nobody could see my face. "Everything is going to be okay," he whispered. He planted his lips on the side of my head, kissing me.

Jungkook's POV

I tried my best to calm Jimin down. As soon as I set him down in my lap, I could feel his heartbeat. It was beating so fast. Eventually, it slowed down and I looked back up at the doctor. I nodded so he could start talking now.

"Jungkook, thanks for showing up. We couldn't even get anywhere near Jimin. Although he seems to want to be as close as possible to you," he said laughing a little.

"Even though he is awake, we're going to keep him here for the rest of the night and a little bit tomorrow to make sure he is okay. Does that sound good?" he asked. I looked at Jimin and he muttered a 'yes.' I then looked at the doctor and nodded.

"I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to have to stay here, as Jimin probably won't let go of me," I said to the doctor. "That's fine," he said. He walked out with the nurse and Jin stepped in the room with Namjoon.

They looked at me and we made eye contact. I nodded telling them they can go home and I'll stay here with Jimin. They grabbed Namjoon's bag and left, closing the door behind them.

Jimin and I sat there for a few minutes in silence. He wasn't crying anymore, but I could tell he was a little confused about everything. "Kookie, what happened?" he asked. "We got into a car accident about a week ago and you've been in a coma ever since," I answered. "Oh," he said.

"Is there anything else? And my stomach hurts a lot," he whined. "Well, I was told the day of the accident you had to go into surgery since, a piece of metal went through your side, and a few of your ribs were broken," I answered. "Oh and about the pain, I can see if the doctor can get you something."

"Okay, but I'm not getting up," he said. I smiled at his cuteness and called a nurse in. "Can I get some pain medicine for him," I asked the nurse. "Sure, I'll be right back," she said and walked back out.

Eventually, she came back with a bottle of water and some pills. She handed them to me and walked back out. "Here Jimin. I have them," I said. He pulled his head out of my neck and looked at me. I opened the bottle as he took the pills. He put the pills in his mouth then took a big drink of water.

"Jimin, we should get some sleep," I suggested. He just nodded and put his head back in the crook of my neck. I smiled and laid us both down. He stayed on top of me and we both fell asleep.

~The Next Morning~

Jimin's POV

When I woke up, I was still on top of Jungkook. His arms were still wrapped around me, while my head was on his chest. I looked over at the table by the hospital bed, where Jungkook's phone sat, and grabbed it. I clicked it on and checked the time. 7:26 am. I put his phone down and looked at him.

His brown hair was messy and covering his forehead. I looked down at his lips and they were slightly parted. I leaned down and kissed him. To my surprise, he kissed me back instantly. His lips were warm and felt good to have mine on his.

Jungkook sat up putting me on his lap. I put my hands around his neck and he moved his hands to my waist. I ground against him and his breath hitched. I kept going until he pulled away.

"Jimin I'm sorry, but we can't do this right now," he said. I pouted a little and lowered my head. "Hey Jiminie," he said, raising my head. "You know I'm right. Just wait till we go back home." "Fine," he said.

"Ah, good you guys are awake now," someone said walking in. We both turned to the door and it was Dr. Choi. "Jimin how are you feeling?" he asked. "Good," I answered. "Um, do you have any pain?" he asked. "A little in my stomach," I said.

The pain in my stomach wasn't that bad, but it hurt enough for me to say something about it. "Okay, well that is normal, so I think today we can release you," he said.

I smiled at the thought of finally going home. I haven't seen any of the members besides Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin. And I have only talked to Jungkook.

"Do you want to go now or stay here a little longer?" Dr. Choi asked. "Now!" I answered a little too excitedly. "Okay, I'll go get your papers, then you both can leave," he said. "Thank you," I said.

A few minutes later Dr. Choi came back with some papers. "Here you guys go and I hope you have a good day. I hope you don't come back anytime soon," he said laughing a little. "Thanks again," I said, taking the papers. "See you guys," he said walking out.

"Okay, Hyung you ready?" Jungkook asked me. "Yes, come on," I said getting up. As soon as I got up I stumbled a little bit. "Woah Jimin, you okay," Jungkook asked. "Ya it's just my side," I said. "Okay, well please take it easy," he said.

"I will now come on," I said, dragging him out of the room. We walked down the hall and to the parking lot. Jungkook got in the driver's seat of the car and I got in the passenger side. "Jimin, you might be a little scared, so if you want to hold my hand you can," he offered. "Okay," I said.

I grabbed his hand and he started the car. He started driving and turned onto the main road. I wasn't that scared, but the thought of crashing again was still in the back of my head.

It makes me happy to know I have Jungkook to hold my hand every step of the way. I know he will be here with me when I am scared, nervous, embarrassed, happy, and excited.

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