~Chapter 39~

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Jimin's POV

I woke up still in Jungkook's arms. He was still hugging me and my face was in his chest. I turned around and grabbed my phone that was not on the charger, meaning it would probably die in the middle of the day. It was 10 am.

"Jungkook," I whispered. "Hmm," he hummed. "We should probably get up." "Just five more minutes," he said, tiredly. "Jungkook!" I argued. "Fine," he sighed.

I sat up and my lower back and butt was in pain. I tried to stand up, but I immediately fell back down on the bed. "Jungkook laughed and asked, "Need help." "Yes," I said. Jungkook got up and walked over to me. He picked me up bridal style and took me into the bathroom. We both brushed our teeth and changed into clothes.

"Let's go see if Jin-Hyung made breakfast," I said, putting on shoes. "Okay," Jungkook agreed. He picked me up again and we walked to Jin's hotel. "Jungkook put me down or Jin is going to think you hurt me," I said. "Right. are you sure?" he asked. "Ya, I'll be fine." "Okay," he said. He put me down and pain shot through my lower back, but didn't want to alarm Jungkook so I just said, it was okay.

Jin opened the door right after and let us in. All the other members were already there like they were waiting for us. Jungkook and I sat down and grabbed a few things to eat.

"So did you guys have a fun night last night?" Yoongi asked. I gulped embarrassed. "Yes," Jungkook answered. "Jimin he didn't go too hard right? I saw you having a hard time walking," Hobi said. "I'm fine. You guys are so nosey," I said. "Ya, but we just want to know what is happening," Namjoon said. "Ya, ya, ya," I said.

"Oh and by the way, you guys are never fucking at the dorms, Jin said. "Or else nobody would ever get any sleep," Tae finished. "We'll see," I said. "Namjoon-Hyung how do you and Jin-Hyung keep so quiet?" Jungkook asked.

"How do you know we even fuck?" Jin asked. "Because we just know. There is no way you guys haven't at least once," Tae said. "Maybe because for months we had to keep it down and know we just do naturally. But let me tell you I can make him scream my name if I wanted," Namjoon said.

"So, Namjoon tops," Yoongi said. Jin blushed and looked down. "That's a yes then," Yoongi said, answering his own question.

"Don't you guys have things to do?" Jin said. "In like 4 hours," I said. "No," Yoongi said. Jin sighed and said, "We'll go find something to do," he said. "What if we want to stay and talk?" I questioned seeing how far I could push it.

"Then I would say Namjoon and I are busy," Jin said. "Doing what? Fucking?" Yoongi said, catching onto what I was doing. "No, maybe we were going to go out," Jin said. "And do what? Get caught kissing like Jungkook and me?" I asked.

"You guys are asking to get punished," Jin said laughing. "Ya, that's cause we wanted to see how far we could push you," Tae said. "Just go do something," Jin said. "Fine," we all said, getting up.

Jungkook and I went back to our hotel room and watched a movie. We were both pretty anxious for the v-live later. I tried to act as if I wasn't but I knew Jungkook could till I was anxious. I didn't feel weird about it because Jungkook was doing the exact same thing.

~Four Hours Later~

"Jungkook, I'm going to tell everyone that we are going to start," I said, getting up. "Okay, I'll set up a camera," he said.

I walked out of the room and went to Jin's room. He opened the door and I said, "We are going to start so be ready for a text." "Okay, Namjoon and I are going to watch it also," Jin said. "Okay," I said. "Jimin, don't worry everything is going to be okay," he reassured me.

I walked to Tae's room and knocked. Yoongi opened it and I told him we were starting and to be ready if I text one of them. I then went to manager Sejin's door and knocked. He opened it and before I could say anything he said, "Are you starting?"

"Yep, I just wanted to let you know." "Okay, well all the staff and I'm sure the members support you," he said. "Yep, they do," I said. "Good luck, I'll be watching," he said. "Okay, see ya," I said, walking back to Jungkook's room.

"You ready?" I asked, sitting next to him. He set a camera up on a table and we sat beside each other on chairs. "As ready as I'll ever be," he said. "Hey, what happened to my confident Kookie?" I asked. "He left about 5 minutes ago," he said, laughing a little. I laughed with him until we really needed to start the v-live.

We looked at each other for a few seconds, then Jungkook clicked a few buttons and the v-live started.

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